This bone has a "saddle" which protects a master gland.
These small bones are associated with your tear ducts.
This line is perpendicular to the IR when performing a lateral.
This position places the OML perpendicular to the IR with a 15 degree caudal angle.
This view of the facial bones will place the frontal bone closest to the IR
This bone protects the organs of hearing and equilibirum.
These bones help from the lower, outer orbit and your "cheek bone".
Malar bones
Zygoma bones
When performing a trauma Townes view, the IOML requires a _____ angulation.
37 degree
The dorsum sellae is projected through foramen magnum in this view.
The central ray will enter between the _____ and _____ in a lateral.
Outer canthus and EAM
_______ will harden and fuse to become the pterions, asterions, bregma, and lambda.
This congenital defect will occur in the mouth.
Cleft Palate
A modified Waters view utilizes this positioning line.
The pars petrosa will be demonstrated below the orbit of the eye.
PA Axial w/ 25 to 30 degree angulation caudal
Modified Caldwell
The _____ is perpendicular to the IR when the dens is projected through foramen magnum
The TEA sits approximately level with this part of the temporal bone.
Petrous Ridge
Pars petrosa
This bone will rest on the image receptor when a Waters view is being performed.
This forms a 37 degree angle when a Waters view is being performed.
Displacement of the orbital roof superiorly and anteriorly demonstrates
Rotation and Tilt
The LML will be placed perpendicular when a _____ view is being performed.
Modified Waters
This part of the skull connects the middle ear to the nasopharynx.
Eustachian tube
Due to its articulations with the teeth, these facial bones are prone to sinus infections.
This positioning line is placed perpendicular to the CR and parallel to the IR during a SMV.
This view will demonstrate the foramen magnum and potential basal skull fractures.
A parietoacanthial projection will have the ____ form a 37 degree angle to the IR.