Brief Dynamic Therapy
Brief Dynamic Therapy Process
Emotion-Focused Therapy
Emotion-Focused Therapy Process

What are the three attachment patterns?

1. Secure

2. Avoidant

3. Anxious


Name one way a therapist has to work in order to maintain a therapeutic relationship with the client?

1. Take a respectful and non judgmental stance

2. Listen respectively

3. Assess, use, and comment on client's strengths

4. Identify obstacles and opportunities in the therapy process


What two things does EFT achieve its goals through?

1. Corrective Emotional Experience

2. Specific Emotion Focused Techniques


What are the two major tasks of the EFT process?

1. Help people with too little emotion access more

2. Help people with too much emotion contain their emotions


What is the goal of Emotion-Focused Therapy?

To help clients experience mastery in re-experiencing emotions they could not handle in the past.


What are two of the overarching therapist tasks in Attachment based therapy?

1.Provide a secure base to examine painful aspects of life

2. Assist exploration of expectation and biases

3. Encourage consideration of how childhood experiences with parents relate to current life

4. Help the patient imagine healthier ways of acting and thinking

5. Examine the therapeutic relationship for IWM


What is the Cyclical Maladaptive Pattern (CMP)?

Formulation that identities working models of self and other in current relational problems around the client’s experiences


How are Emotion Schemes activated?

Activated outside of awareness and influence cognitive processing


True or false: A Therapeutic relationship plays a key role in both tasks of the EFT process?

True - Therapist provides affect attunement , emotion regulation/soothing, and new emotional experiences to help the client as much as possible.


What is the main goal of attachment-based therapy?

To explore and change internal working models.


What are the three theoretical foundations of brief dynamic therapy?

Attachment Theory, Interpersonal-Relational Theory, Experiential-Affective component


Name two ways of how a brief dynamic therapist keep clients emotionally regulated?

- ask open ended questions

- explore clients words

- relate to clients here and now from a deeply empathic place.

- encourage clients to experience and express emotion in session.

- Help client be aware of emotions out of their awareness and deepen experience of emotions they have. 

- label emotions and understand their significance


What are the 4 types of emotion experience?

1. Primary adaptive emotion 

2. Primary maladaptive emotion 

3. Secondary reactive emotion 

4. Instrumental emotion


Can you name 3 out of the 6 Principles of Emotion change? Bonus 200 points if you can name all 6. *Hint (An eagle ran rather than clapping).

1. Awareness, 2. Expression, 3. Regulation, 4. Reflection, 5. Transformation, 6. Corrective emotional experience. 


What does attachment theory tell us?

Why do people behave as they do.


What was the term used by Bowlby to describe the cognitive frameworks that are developed early in life that influence how individuals perceive themselves, others, and their relationships especially through their attachment patterns?

Internal Working Models. 


How many strategies are there in the Brief Dynamic Therapy process? 

There are 25 therapy strategies. 


What are emotion schemes?

they are cognitive, affective, motivational, and behavioral structures that are based in evolution and personal history (learning from one’s own experiences).


Can you name 2 of the techniques of transformation in EFT? *200 points per right answer.

Explore adaptive feelings that were present in the
original situation or currently; Enactment; Imagery; Recalling past experience of the adaptive emotion; Direct emotion experience, rather than  understanding is the key. 


How does the client usually begin therapy in EFT?

By telling the story of their problem.


What did Bowlby believe about the role of examining transference & countertransference in attachment-based therapy?

Examining transference & countertransference should be the main focus of therapy.


How does a brief dynamic therapist address the time-limited/brief nature of the therapy?

The therapist addresses the limited time at the beginning of treatment and throughout.


Name one of the possible purposes for a secondary reactive emotion. 

-To obscure or defend against a painful primary emotion.

-To react to a primary emotion.

-To respond to an intervening thought.


What is emotional awareness in the context of EFT?

It is feeling the feeling in awareness. It is not just thinking about feeling.


What are Transference and Countertransference in Brief Dynamic Therapy?

influence of the patient or therapist’s psychology on the treatment process, considered unavoidable and often useful in psychoanalytic approaches.
