What is the SLA for initial review on a LOA?
Up to 3 business days.
What is the SLA for an initial contact from the AC Accommodation Consultant?
Within 3buisness days after receiving supporting documents.
What happens if an employee's physician is asking why the employee's accommodation or leave was denied?
Create a task to the employee CM case manager. We do not release information; we only receive information from HCP.
What is the 1st two things in our notes template to be filled out?
*Reason for the contact:
*Actions taken:
What's the definition as per KB for Power of Attorney?
A legal document that allows one to appoint a person or organization to manage the employee's affair if they are unable to do so.
What is the SLA time frame when an employee uploads their documents on the atoz app?
Uploads are normally instant, but may take up to 24hours.
What is the SLA for a RCR return call request?
Within 3 business days.
What information do we validate from HCP?
-Employees first
-Employees last name
-Employees DOB
-Reason and details of the contact.
In what scenarios do we add additional notes in our note template?
-STD Claim
- Bonding
If a representative of the employee has a POA document, what are the 1st 4 steps we would take to assist?
*Request the name of the employee and the case number, if available
*Navigate to the case manager system to bring up the case details.
*Gather the details from the representative.
*Verify that the power of attorney documentation is on file and the expiration date has not passed.
What is the initial documentation SLA for pregnancy, bonding and adoption or foster care?
Within 30 calendar days from their leave start date, application date or the date when acknowledge letter was sent.
SLA for a new accommodation request?
Up to 1 Calendar day
COF (Certificate of Fitness) is at work accommodation which does not require documentation. TRUE/FALSE
What additional notes we add for pregnancy loss?
-Date of pregnancy loss
-Estimated due date
What is the most common reason for a power of attorney?
*Employee passed away.
*Employee health condition does not allow them to contact MHLS.
*Employee is incarcerated and is unable to contact MHLS.
SLA for a military LOA?
Up to 2 business days
Uploading documentation via Myhr/self-service?
Should be relect9ive immediately or may takes up to 24 hours.
What can you do if you log the note on a wrong level?
Leave a note stating to disregard the note and explaining it was created in error.
What if the employee case as a STD Claim, what information do we add in notes?
-ICD code
-Medical condition
A representative of the employee can include:
-Family Member
-Third party contact
How long does it take for a bereavement time to be coded?
Up to 48 hours
Non-medical accommodation decision status update?
Non-medical accommodation can take up to 7 business days.
What are the two types of LOA we have?
What information do we add for reporting the birth in notes template?
-Actual date of delivery
-Delivery Method
-Number of babies born:
A representative of the employee do0es not have a POA document, what are the 1st 4 steps we take?
*Request the name of the employee and case number, if available
*Navigate to the case Management System to verify if there is an active case.
*Inform the representative that you cannot provide any information on the employee without a power of attorney.
*If an active case is open, create a note and set the applicable task.