Most expensive glove
What is The Flex?
Most recent location added
What is castle island?
Month the game was created in
What is February?
Latest gamemode added (Excluding seasonal)
What is Killstreak Only?
Newest seasonal glove
What is Santa?
Most expensive non one-shot glove
What is chicken?
Location of the cube of death
What is north island?
Update schedule
What is every friday?
Gamemode with most hackers
Glove that requires 1,000 candy
What is Rattlebones?
Newest glove (4/5/2024)
What is Lamp?
Rocketman's purpose
To launch the player to the main island
Game's creation date
What is 2/16/2021?
What is 2022?
Glove that requires a 0.5% chance from a present
What is Mitten?
Glove with most price changes
What is God's Hand?
Best island to get trap in
What is Moai Island?
Month that balloony was added in
What is June?
Amount of islands in the Snowball Smash gamemode
What is 5?
Newest addition to island in a seasonal update
What is Jerry?
Jet's old name
What is Pilot?
Easiest island to get to (Excluding main, north, west, or east islands)
What is Slapple?
Month that [REDACTED] was added in
What is October?
Newest misellaneous gamemode?
What is Slap Battles in Fortnite?
Year that tencelll decided to stop making the christmas gloves bad