Pitt Literacy Survey
Sustainability at Other Universities
Wild Card
Pitt Sustainability

Only 26% of respondents in Pitt's Sustainability Literacy Survey said they were "proficient" or an "expert" in THIS CONCEPT that refers to shifts in global temperature and weather patterns

What is climate change?


THIS MIDWEST UNIVERSITY is home to the Hawkeyes, and established a sustainability Gen Ed for their school of Arts and Sciences in 2021

What is the University of Iowa?


THIS OFFICE'S mission on campus is to support the potential of students to infuse sustainability into the culture, values, and decision-making at Pitt.

What is the SOOS?


Launched in Fall 2022, THIS PROGRAM focuses on helping students explore and engage with sustainability across all disciplines through analysis and execution of the Pitt Sustainability Plan

What is the Sustainability LLC?


48% of people said they were a "novice" in THIS TOPIC, a set of goals established by the United Nations in 2015

What are the Sustainable Development Goals?


THIS UNIVERSITY is known for being very green (and mountainous), so green that they implemented a Sustainability Gen Ed across their entire college all the way back in 2015

What is UVM?


THIS STORE, which started as a project within this class, is the University's student-run, on-campus thrift store

What is Thrifstburgh?


THIS CERTIFICATE program launched in 2015 and "allows students to formally enhance their education by focusing on sustainability through interdisciplinary coursework" 

What is the sustainability certificate?


When asked about pressing sustainability issues, the most common answer was using LESS OF THIS in order for the campus to be more efficient

What is energy?


THIS ACC RIVAL in North Carolina started an optional university-wide class titled "Let's Talk About Climate Change" in 2021

What is Duke?


THIS IS a social movement to address environmental injustice, which occurs when poor or marginalized communities are harmed by hazardous waste, resource extraction, and other land uses from which they do not benefit

What is environmental/eco-justice?


Pitt hopes to GAIN THIS by the year 2037, as they change a lot of their electricity on campus

What is carbon neutrality?


With 14 questions in the survey, WHAT PERCENTAGE of respondents got only 1 or 2 questions correct

What is 11%


THIS newly integrated ACC SCHOOL in the Golden State is home to the Doerr School of Sustainability

What is Stanford?


THIS INDUSTRY contributes to about 90% of all CO2 emissions

What is the fossil fuel/oil and gas industry?


Established in 2003, THIS is a University-wide center focused on catalyzing sustainability research and education

What is the Mascaro Center for Sustainable Innovation?


When asked about sustainability academic initiatives, one of the top three priorities for undergraduate students was THIS (hint: it's kind of what our project is about haha)

What is "Requiring every student to take a sustainability-focused course?"


THIS SCHOOL just down the road from us has the Falk School of Sustainability and Environment, and is where famous environmentalist Rachel Carson graduated back in 1929

What is Chatham University?


According to the American Lung Association, THIS METRO AREA earned its first passing grade for year-round particle pollution, but continues to rank among the 25 worst metro areas for particle pollution

What is Pittsburgh?


THIS is the reported number of sustainability focused courses that Pitt has to offer

What is 446 courses?
