What was Harriet Tubman’s famous quote before jumping off a bridge?
"I’m going to be free or die."
Who won the election of 1860?
How many slave states and free states were there in 1819?
11 free states, 11 slave states
What was the Underground Railroad?
A secret network that helped enslaved people escape to freedom
What was Harriet Tubman’s birth name?
Araminta “Minty” Ross
What was an abolitionist?
A person who wanted slavery to be illegal and fought to end it
What promise did Abraham Lincoln make to the South regarding slavery?
He promised not to interfere with slavery where it already existed
Who proposed the Missouri Compromise?
Henry Clay
What was a "conductor" on the Underground Railroad?
A person who guided enslaved people along escape routes
How did Harriet Tubman get her new name?
She took Harriet from her mother and Tubman from her husband
What was the nickname for Levi Coffin’s house?
Grand Central Station" of the Underground Railroad
What does "seceded" mean?
To formally withdraw membership (this case leave the country)
What two states were added as part of the Missouri Compromise?
Missouri as a slave state, Maine as a free state
What was the significance of Canada for enslaved people?
It was a safe place because slavery was illegal there
How many miles did Harriet Tubman travel alone to freedom?
100 miles
What were some signs that runaway slaves knew which house was a "station"?
A lantern on a fencepost or a bright quilt hanging on a fence
What is an "arsenal"?
A place where weapons and military equipment are stored
What was the significance of the 36°30' line?
It prohibited slavery in future territories north of the line
What was the Fugitive Slave Act, and how did it impact the Underground Railroad?
It required that escaped slaves be returned, forcing them to flee to Canada
What role did Harriet Tubman play in the Civil War?
She served as a spy, nurse, and scout for the Union Army
What was the Fugitive Slave Act, and how did it impact the Underground Railroad?
It required that escaped slaves be returned, making the Underground Railroad more dangerous
Which states seceded from the United States after Lincoln’s election?
South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Virginia, Arkansas, North Carolina, and Tennessee
Why did the Missouri Compromise temporarily ease tensions but not solve the issue?
It kept balance in Congress but didn’t resolve the question of slavery in new territories
Who was known as the “President of the Underground Railroad”?
Levi Coffin
How many slaves did Harriet help free during the Combahee River Raid?
150 slaves