Impacts of Slavery on Early US
Missouri Compromise
Compromise of 1850
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Slave Rebellions

This is one of the five major cash crops in the South.

What is tobacco/sugarcane/rice/indigo/cotton?


This is the year the Missouri Compromise took effect.

What is 1820?


This is the term used to describe when the people of a state or territory get to vote on whether it allows slavery or not.

What is popular sovereignty? 


This is the year the Kansas-Nebraska Act took effect.

What is 1854?


This word means to be in an open resistance to a government or authority figure.

What is rebellion?


This invention unintentionally led to an increase in the use of slavery in the South.

What is the Cotton Gin?


This state wanted to join the Union as a slave state, making the number of slave states more than free states.

What is Missouri?


This state was added as a free state, which extended past the Missouri Compromise line into southern slave territory.

What is California?


The issue of slavery in Kansas and Nebraska would be decided by this.

What is popular sovereignty?


This rebellion took place near Charleston, SC where Jemmy led a band of slaves from plantation to plantation, killing around 21 white people.

What is the Stono Rebellion?


This man invented a machine that made it easier to process cotton.

Who is Eli Whitney?


This state was added to the Union as a free state to keep the number of slave states and free states equal.

What is Maine?


This law made it easier for southern slaveowners to retrieve runaway slaves, especially from the North.

What is the Fugitive Slave Act?


The Kansas-Nebraska Act made the relationship and conflict between the North and South this.

What is worse?

This enslave man led one of the largest slave rebellion in US history, which he believed God gave him visions to prepare for a great battle.

Who is Nat Turner?


The North's economy heavily relied on this, which consisted of factories.

What is production/industry?


The North disagreed with Missouri becoming a slave state because...

What is if Missouri becomes a slave state, what is stopping slavery from expanding further?


The slave trade in this district ended due to the Compromise of 1850.

What is Washington, D.C.?


This abolitionist gentleman and his four sons committed a heinous act against 5 pro-slavery men in the middle of the night.

Who is John Brown?


Although it never happened, this slave rebellion's plot was to kidnap the Virginia governor in exchange for freedom.

What is Gabriel Prosser's Rebellion?


This class of people made their money by owning large factories and production lines in the North.

Who are Industrialists?


The South argued against Missouri becoming a free state because...

What is if the government can tell a state what it can and can't do (like have slavery or not), where does that power stop?


Prior knowledge: The United States won a war against this country, annexing land in the southwest.

What is Mexico?


This is the name given to a series of violent confrontations between pro- and anti-slavery settlers in a certain state.

What is Bleeding Kansas?


This rebellion never happened, but plotted to set fire to the city of Charleston, kill the governor, and kill any white man the rebellion saw.

What is Denmark Vesey's Rebellion?
