A public sale in which something is sold to the highest bidder is called an ________.
A ________ is an African American who was owned by someone else and was physically forced to work without pay.
Who chose the royal governor to be in charge of the colonies?
the king
What 3 continents were in the triangular trade?
Africa, Europe and the Americas
What is Mr. Stapleton's first name?
Someone who captures or owns slaves is called an _________.
What did Europeans offer to West African leaders to convince them to trade slaves?
What was the name of a school that some young girls were able to attend?
a dame school
The capital of the British colony of Virginia from 1699-1799
Name 5 Disney princesses
answers may vary
What are two ways West African societies were different from each other in the 1500s?
-Spoke different languages
-some lived in villages, others lived in cities
What was the name of the tavern where colonists went to eat, play games and discuss politics?
Raleigh Tavern
West Africans danced and sang to honor _______ _________.
their ancestors
What is the capital of New York?
Explain what the Middle Passage is
-the route slaves were taken on to sail from Africa to the Americas
What was it like to be a slave traveling the Middle Passage?
answers may vary (packed tightly in small spaces, whipped if refused to eat, would be chased if they jumped off ship)
Name two popular trades during the colonial times
answers may vary (ex: cabinetmaking and shoemaking)
At the college of William and Mary, white boys learned _________, _________, and __________.
reading, writing and arithmetic
Who was the 16th president of the United States?
Explain what the Triangular Trade was
the trade of goods and slaves between the Americas, Africa, and Europe
What were the working conditions like for slaves in the field?
worked long hours, walked long distances and short breaks
Compare and contrast education in the colonial times and education today. Name at least 1 similarity and 1 difference.
answers may vary
A person who is learning a job by working with a professional was called an ________________.
How many 5th grade students are there in the entire grade?