Famous writer who became a public speaker after running away at the age of 20. Broke the law by learning to read and write.
Fredrick Douglass
How many years did the main character live as a slave?
What is the name of the plantation where the main character is held captive for the longest period of time?
Epps Plantation
Describe typical living conditions of slaves in America - at least descriptions
1. poor living conditions/slave quarters were poorly built 2. just enough food to have energy to work, very little extra 3. worked from sun up to sun down, every day 4. had to work regardless of illness or weather conditions 5. were often punished: whippings, stocks, collars, etc.
What states were the first to end slavery
The Northern states
What was the name of the main character in the film 12 Years as a slave
Solomon Northup
What was the "barricado"
The barricado was a wooden wall on deck that separated male and female slaves
The barricado also protected the crew from the male slaves
What were the 3 different kinds of slaves? What did they do?
1. Field slave: worked in the fields, worked from sun up to sun down, children ages 10 and up did this work 2. House slave: nanny, butler, cook. Had better living conditions but worked 24/7 3. Skilled: were trained in a particular area such as blacksmith, carpenter, etc. Were rented out to others, sometimes were allowed to keep a small percentage of the money made by the slave owner
What did you call people who fought to end slavery?
Give 3 examples of cruelty in the film
African American women were raped
slaves were forced to witness beatings and flogging
Runaway slaves were lynched, killed without trial
Families were separated
Name two European countries that were the most involved in the slave trade?
1. Spain 2. Portugal 3. Netherlands 4. England
Name one of the ways slaves developed their own culture.
1. Family: gave them a sense of refuge, companionship, love 2. Religion: Mostly Christian with African influences, gave them hope and faith 3. Art, music and Dance:
What event led to the end of slavery in America
The Civil War
Can you name one of the main characters slave owners
First slave owner: William Ford
Second slave owner: Edwin Epps
What was the name of the slave rebellion in 1739 in South Carolina ?
The Stono rebellion