white men whipped slaves
slaves were whipped (by white men)
On the ships, there was ..........................violence
Slaves .....................................................go to church
were allowed to
coulddu lever du soleil au coucher du soleil
from sunrise to sunset
équivalent anglais pour "aller à l'église"?
go to church
white men didn't pay slaves
Slaves were not paid (by white men)
On the ships, there was only .........................space
a little
Slaves ...................................................work every day
had to
le propriétaire d'une plantation
a plantation owner
Mettre au passif:
"white men beat slaves"
Slaves were beaten (by white men)
White men gave clothes to slaves once a year
slaves were given clothes (by white men) once a year
On the plantations, there was .............work
Slaves ....................................................buy clothes
didn't have to
une couverture
a blanket
Le nom d'une esclave affranchie célèbre qui a fait fonctionner le chemin de fer clandestin (underground railroad)
White men raped some women slaves
some women slaves were raped (by white men)
On the plantations, owners gave .........................clothes to the slaves every year
a few
Slaves .................................................share their home
had to
un fouet
a whip
Trouver le bon quantifieur:
On the plantations, there were not .....................
occasions to have fun
white men sold slaves to other white men
Slaves were sold to white men by other white men
The majority of the slaves worked in the fields but .............................................women worked as servants
a few
Slaves.................................................. live alone
were not allowed to
were forbidden to
chanter dans les champs
sing in the fields
l'équivalent anglais du mot "nu"