This is the name of our principal.
Fred Murphy
This is the name of the purple character in the Inside Out movie.
The first "R" in RULER
This is what the SLAyers' games are known as during advisory.
Community Connector
By total area, this is the US's 2nd largest state.
This is our school's mascot.
This is what quadrant in the mood meter your SLAyer is feeling like right now...
*Answer depends on the SLAyer
The second letter in RULER stands for this.
This is what "SLA" stands for here.
Student Led Advisory
This is our solar system's hottest planet by surface temperature.
This is the date of MHS's Culture Fair 2025.
February 19
If a person is in the yellow quadrant in the mood meter this is what they might be feeling...
High pleasantness and high energy.
The third letter in RULER stands for this.
Only this/these grade level(s) can apply to become a SLAyer.
10th and 11th
This is what R&B stands for in music.
Rhythm and Blues
This is the year our school was established.
Other than camouflage this is another reason why chameleons change colors.
They feel emotions in relation to their color they appear as.
The forth letter in RULER stands for this.
Only this grade level is taught by SLAyers.
This is the number of stripes on the American flag.
This Mililani alumni almost won the Heisman trophy.
Dillon Gabriel
This is the difference between jealousy and envy.
Envy is when you want something someone else has, and jealousy is the fear that someone else cares and will care about someone else more then you.
The last letter, (R), in RULER stands for this.
This year is on the back of this year's SLA shirts.
This president is on the US's thousand dollar bill.
Grover Cleveland