Sleep Facts
Sleep Routine
Daytime Habits
Sleep Environment
Sleep & Recovery

Boredom makes you sleepy, even if you have had enough sleep.    

What is False.  When people are active, they usually don’t feel sleepy.  When they take a break from activity, or feel bored, they may notice that they are sleepy.  However, what causes sleepiness most is sleep loss—not getting the sleep you need.  Adults who don’t get enough good sleep feel sleepy when they’re bored.  Boredom, like a warm dark room, doesn’t cause sleepiness, it merely unmasks it.


How many hours of sleep should you get each night (adults)?

What is 7-9. 


Beverages containing this stimulant, should be avoided prior to bedtime.

What is Caffeine.


List 2 things that make a good sleep environment. 

A good sleep environment is very dark, quiet, cool, and comfortable.


T/F Sleep disturbances only affect ~5% of people in early stages of recovery. 

What is False. Sleep disturbances are extremely common in the early stages of recovery from alcohol dependence and may persist for several months despite continued abstinence.


During sleep, your brain rests.

What is False.  While your body rests, your brain doesn’t.  An active brain during sleep prepares us for alertness and peak functioning the next day.


This is a record of a person's bedtime routine that summarizes their sleep habits. It's used to promote better sleep hygiene. It's called a ________

Sleep Diary or Journal


T/F Sleeping in on weekends will help you get better sleep throughout the week. 

What is False. Try to go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day, even on the weekends.


List 2 ways to reduce light in the sleep environment.


Face Mask 

Turn clock away 

Electronic free


T/F Quality of sleep is directly linked to quality of life.

What is True.


This is the stage of The Sleep Cycle in which people dream.

What is Stage 5 (REM stage). Though many people fail to remember their dreams, dreaming does normally occur for every person, every night.  Dreams are most vivid during REM or rapid eye movement sleep.


T/F If you are still not asleep after ~20 minutes, it is recommended to get up and relax in another room until you feel tired again.

What is True. Try to do a quiet activity and keep the lights dim. The computer and television are too stimulating.


T/F Regular exercise, even right before bed, like walking, lifting weights and swimming can help you sleep better.

What is false. Exercise during the day is beneficial to sleep but it is best to avoid exercising in the late evening. The practice of Tai Chi has particularly been shown to promote sleep.


T/F The bedroom should be reserved for sleep. 

What is True. 


Free space!

Wooo free points!


The older you get, the fewer hours of sleep you need.

What is False.  Sleep need remains unchanged throughout adulthood.  Older people may wake more frequently through the night and sleep less, but their sleep need is no less than during young adulthood.


How long before bed should you turn off "devices"?

Phone, TV, and computer are stimulating and emit light. Turn off these devices 30-60 minutes before you go to bed.


Spicy foods are considered relaxing and make a good evening snack to aid with sleep. 

Caffeine and spicy foods are considered particularly stimulating. Choose warm milk or herbal tea instead.


What are 2 ways to block out noise? 

Ear plugs 

White noise machine


List 3 benefits of getting enough sleep.

  • Get sick less often
  • Stay at a healthy weight
  • Lower your risk for health problems, like diabetes and heart disease
  • Reduce stress/ improve your mood
  • Think more clearly and do better in school and at work
  • Get along better with people
  • Make good decisions and avoid injuries

The human body never adjusts to night shift work.

What is True.  All living things have a circadian rhythm or about 24 hour rhythm.  This affects when we feel sleepy and alert.  Light and dark cycles set these circadian rhythms.  For shift workers, the light and dark cycle doesn’t change.  Therefore, a shift worker’s circadian rhythm never adjusts.  Whether you work the night shift or not, you are most likely to feel sleepy between midnight and 6:00 a.m.


List 3 relaxation techniques that can help with sleep. 







T/F The ideal nap length is 90 min long. 

What is False. Keep naps short. Aim to nap for only 10 to 20 minutes. The longer you nap, the more likely you are to feel groggy afterward. However, young adults might be able to tolerate longer naps.

Reference: Mayo Clinic


What is the ideal bedroom temperature for sleep?

16-19 C. A cool sleep environment will help you to sleep better. Some sheets can help you feel cooler.


This is the name of the natural "rhythm" that the body follows throughout a 24-hour period.

What is the Circadian Rhythm.
