Poor Sleep Habits
Good Sleep Habits
Sleep Knowledge
Impact of Poor Sleep Hygiene
Random Facts

True or False: Regularly getting more than 11 hours of sleep can improve your health.

False. Regularly getting greater than 11 hours of sleep is linked to health problems.


True or False: Daily exercise can improve the quality of your sleep.

TRUE. However you shouldn't exercise right before bed.


How many hours of sleep do most healthy adults need each night?

Between 7-9 hours. Some people can function with as little as 6 hours of sleep, while others can't function at their peak unless they've had 10 hours of sleep. 


True or False: Sleep loss can cause mood disturbances.



True or False: Man is the only mammal that willingly delays sleep.


This essential oil has been shown to improve sleep for many people.



Daytime naps should be less than __ minutes long in order to avoid nighttime sleep disruption?

30 minutes.

EDU: Because of the lack of “fuel” that sufficient nutrition provides, many people with eating disorders report a constant state of fatigue. Paradoxically, the same eating disorders that make people feel constantly tired also often prevent regular sleep patterns.


Which hormone, that is produced by the pineal gland in the brain and then released into the bloodstream, helps control the sleep/wake cycle?

Melatonin. Darkness prompts the pineal gland to start producing melatonin while light causes that production to stop. It helps regulate circadian rhythm and synchronize our sleep-wake cycle with night and day.

EDU: individuals with eating disorders are known to have disruptions in appetite-regulating hormones as well as weight fluctuations. Malnutrition in anorexia nervosa impacts brain function, including the production of chemicals and hormones that control sleep and wakefulness.


This common sleep disorder has symptoms including difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep OR waking too early and being unable to get back to sleep.


EDU: Analysis of over 500 college-aged women found that 25-30% of those with diagnosed eating disorders had insomnia symptoms compared to only 5% of those without eating disorders.


What percentage of the population dreams in color?

75%. Before colored TV, only 15% of the population did.


What type of light can greatly affect sleep (emitted by certain types of technology)?

Blue light, emitted from phones, tablets, and computers can greatly impact your sleep.


What is the ideal temperature to sleep in?

60-67 degrees.


How many minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per day has been associated with increased alertness and concentration?

About 21 minutes per day, or 150 minutes per week


Chronic sleep deprivation can age your brain by this number of years.

3-5 years.


True or False: The higher the altitude the greater the sleep disruption?

True - sleep disturbances are greater at altitudes of 13,200 feet or more.


What percentage of American adults experience sleep problems at some point in time?


EDU: Research participants with ED scored significantly higher on sleep disorder scales and reported significantly more impairment of daytime functioning. In one study of 400 women diagnosed with anorexia nervosa (AN) or bulimia nervosa (BN) 50.3% of patients reported sleep disturbance.


How many hours before bedtime can caffeine have an impact on sleep?

Caffeine taken 6 hours before bedtime has disruptive effects on sleep.


How many stages of sleep are there?

Five (Wake, N1, N2, N3, and R. The majority of sleep is spent in the N2 stage.)

EDU: Research shows people with anorexia nervosa have worse sleep than those without, including more sleep disruptions, lower sleep quality, and less time spent in restorative deep sleep stages. 


True or False: You lose weight when you don't get enough sleep.

False - you may gain weight, as a lack of sleep can increase the hunger hormone, ghrelin, and decrease the appetite-control hormone, leptin.


This is the record for the longest period of time without sleep, in days.

11 days, a record set by Californian H.S.student Randy Gardner in 1963.


This stimulant, used by 90% of American adults almost daily, can have a negative impact on sleep quality and quantity.



How many hours before bed should you stop eating?

2-3 hours before you plan to fall asleep.


What stage of sleep do we dream in? (3-letter acronym)

REM or Rapid Eye Movement


What are some functions of our brain that can be impacted by sleep loss?

Decreased attention, memory recall, judgement, reaction time, etc. 


This animal sleeps the longest period with 22 hours/day with 2-4 hours/day wake time.

What is the Koala
