Sleep Facts
Helpful Sleep Habits
Sleep Myths
Sleep and Health
Sleep Routines

This is the number of hours of sleep needed by an average adult?

What is 7-9 hours?

How many hours on average do you get per night?


Avoid this handheld source of blue light up to an hour before bed to improve sleep initiation and quality.

What is a cell phone screen?


T/F: Watching TV in bed may make it more difficult to fall asleep.

What is True?


T/F: Not getting enough sleep or having insomnia can exacerbate symptoms of conditions such as depression, anxiety and bipolar disorder.

What is true?


T/F: Having a consistent routine and bedtime every night can make it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep at night.

What is True?


This deep sleep stage is referred to as REM sleep.

What is Rapid Eye Movement?

What occurs during this stage of sleep/


T/F: Hitting the snooze on the alarm clock provides meaningful extra rest.

What is False? 


T/F: Napping makes up for lack of sleep at night.

What is False?


T/F: Major restorative functions in the body such as tissue repair, muscle growth, and protein synthesis occur almost exclusively during sleep.

What is True.


This is a sensory-based strategy you can use as part of your nighttime routine to assist you with falling asleep.

What is white noise, dim lights, heavy/soft blanket, lavender scented spray on a pillow, others..?


This naturally occurring chemical is produced by the brain in response to darkness and facilitates a transition to sleep.

What is melatonin?


T/F: Limiting the amount of activity in the bed can improve sleep initiation and quality.

What is True?


T/F: Sleeping with your pets improves sleep quality.

What is False.


Name an effect of depression on sleep.

Ex: Difficulty falling/staying asleep; excessive daytime sleepiness; sleep problems can exacerbate depression; poor sleep can provoke depression

This is a strategy you can use to relax your mind and body before sleep.

What is PMR, meditation, deep breathing, calming scents, reading a book, listening to soft/slow music, others...?


This is the number of stages one moves through in a sleep cycle.

What is five? 

Stages 1 and 2 are light sleep; Stages 3-4 are deep sleep; and Stage 5 is REM sleep. We go through 4-5 of them a night which lasts about 90-120 minutes each.


This is the ideal bedroom temperature for sleep.

What is 65-degrees F.


T/F: Do not eat right before bed, even if you are hungry.

What is False.


What physical health issues can come from not getting proper sleep?

Fatigue, short-temper, lack of focus, brain fog, difficulty concentrating and making decisions, low mood, disrupts immune system, prone to obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes


This is an exercise one may do as part of a bedtime routine to promote relaxation and restful sleep.

What is Yoga and/or stretching?


T/F: It is easier to fall asleep when you are stressed because your body is fatigued.

What is False.

How does being stressed effect your sleep?


T/F: Taking a warm bath or shower may help you sleep better.

What is true?


T/F: Exercise can improve sleep.

What is True?


How many times a night does the average person wake up?

What is 6?


This is a strategy one may do as part of a sleep routine to manage racing thoughts.

What is journaling?
