Hurting your Sleep
Sleep stages
Sleep Disorders
Sleep Environment
Bedtime Routine

This is a common type of supplement that can actually lead to decreased sleep quality


What is melatonin supplements?


This is the meaning of REM 

What is Rapid eye movement?

—>This is where your eyes twitch and your brain is active


This disorder is characterized by sudden sleep attacks during the day, often leading to unintended naps and overwhelming drowsiness.


What is Narcolepsy?


This type of mattress is recommended for optimal sleep comfort


What is Medium- firm mattress?


This calming activity, often involving dim lighting and relaxation, helps signal your body that it’s time to wind down for sleep.

What is reading?


This common habit, often used to unwind, can negatively impact sleep quality if practiced too near bedtime.


What is using electronic devices or screens?


This phase of sleep is characterized by rapid eye movements and is the stage when most dreaming occurs.


What is REM sleep?


This sleep disorder, often characterized by difficulty falling or staying asleep, is the most common among children.


What is insomnia?


This temperature range is often recommended for creating an optimal sleep environment


What is 60 to 67 degrees Fahrenheit?


This is the recommended duration of time to wait after eating a large meal before going to bed for optimal sleep quality.


What is 2 to 3 hours?


This is the leading cause of sleep deprivation, often linked to work, social commitments, and technology use.


What is a busy lifestyle or insufficient time management?


This stage of sleep is where you spend the most time during the night and is crucial for restorative processes in the body

What is non-REM sleep?


This disorder is characterized by interruptions in breathing or shallow breathing during sleep, often leading to disrupted rest.


What is sleep apnea?


To maintain good sleep hygiene, it’s recommended to replace your pillow approximately every this many years.


What is 1 to 2 years?


To promote better sleep, it’s advisable to avoid these types of drinks at least 4 to 6 hours before bedtime.


What are caffeinated beverages?


True or False: Sleeping over 10 hours consistently is generally considered a good thing for overall health.


What is False?


True or False: Infants spend more time in REM sleep than adults do.


What is True?


This condition, often characterized by difficulty falling or staying asleep, is recognized as the most common sleep disorder.


What is Insomnia?


This type of device is commonly used to promote sleep by creating a consistent sound that masks disruptive noises.


What is White noise machine?


This calming practice can be integrated into your bedtime routine to help alleviate stress and enhance sleep quality.

What is meditation or deep breathing?


T/F: Can using the bed for activities other than sleep (reading, writing, texting, watching TV) interfere with our sleep?

What is true?

—> Your body will start to associate the bed with things other than sleep (ie working, studying, etc) so once it’s time to finally go to bed, you won’t be able to


This issue happens when an individual is  sleep deprived, and has decreased REM sleep

What is Mood changes and cognitive issues?

—>REM sleep is important for brain processing and emotional regulation


This is the amount of Americans suffer from sleep disorders


What is 50-70 million people?


This is the ideal humidity to help with sleep


What is 30-50%?

too little moisture— nose dries out

too much— mold


These are good foods to eat before bed

What is light foods with Tryptophan 

pumpkin seeds, soy beans

or heavier meals earlier in the day like turkey, fish
