Telling your boss you didn't do something because you didn't sleep well last night.
What is blaming everything on sleep?
Good sleep habits
What is sleep hygiene?
Not spending too much time in bed awake
What is sleeping when sleepy?
The "recommended average" amount of sleep needed for adults
What is 7-9 hours?
This popular European tourist attraction can be 15 cm taller in the summer.
What is the Eiffel Tower?
"I kept waking up last night, I'll never be able to stay asleep again!"
What is assuming the worst?
Difficulty initiating, maintaining sleep, and/or awakening early in the morning
What is insomnia?
Having a light snack before bed and not a heavy meal.
What is eating right?
The most common sleep diagnosis among those with substance use disorder.
What is insomnia?
This British group was originally named "Touch".
Who are the Spice Girls?
Setting a rule that you must get 9 hours of sleep every night.
What are unrealistic expectations?
Frequently checking the time
What is clock-watching?
Developing patterns to remind your body that it's time for sleep.
What are sleep rituals?
This is why we need sleep
What is Restores energy, Helps heal physical ailments, Promotes growth, Helps with concentration and memory, Boosts well-being and mood
This condiment was once sold as a medicine for indigestion.
What is ketchup?
Thinking you can only have a great night's sleep or a poor night's sleep.
What are unhelpful thinking styles?
This occurs in 25% of sleep
What is REM (Rapid Eye Movement)?
What is a sleep dairy?
The criteria needed to have insomnia.
What is Happens on 3 or more nights per week, Lasts for 3 or more months, Causes impairment to daytime activities
This mythological creature is the national animal of Scotland.
What is a unicorn?
Only focusing on poor sleep
What are unhelpful thinking styles?
The sleep pattern where the body moves from light sleep to deep sleep
What is NREM (non-rapid eye movement)?
A cool room with blankets, reduced noise, and curtains hanged to block light.
What is the right space?
Stage 4 of NREM sleep
What is true delta?
This dreamer currently holds the most academy awards.
Who is Walt Disney?