What is Circadian Rhythm?
A natural internal process that regulates sleep-wake cycle, body temp, hormone secretion, and metabolism.
What does the hypothalamus do for sleep?
The hypothalamus synchronizes the circadian rhythm with the help of suprachiasmatic (SCN), the bodies internal clock that relies off of light and darkness cues.
What does adenosine do?
Adenosine is a neuromodulator that accumulates throughout the day leading to increased tiredness and fatigue.
Ex: Caffeine binds with adenosine receptors preventing them from making you tired
What is melatonin?
Melatonin is released by the pineal gland in response to darkness and helps regulate sleep wake cycle.
What can increase serotonin levels and promote sleep?
Dairy products because they contain tryptophan and calcium which helps produce melatonin.
How is light a part of falling asleep?
When light decreases in the evening melatonin is released in the body promoting sleepiness.
What does the brainstem do for sleep?
The brainstem is involved in waking up and staying awake. It also regulated transitions between sleep stages and controls muscle tone during REM sleep.
What is non-REM sleep?
Neural activity decreases. Restorative sleep
Cortisol is what?
Cortisol is released by the adrenal glands in response to stress. It peaks during the early morning to wake you up.
What promotes relaxation and facilitates sleep?
Herbal teas because they have calming properties.
How is light a part of waking up?
In the morning, light suppresses melatonin production promoting wakefulness.
What does the thalamus do for sleep?
The Thalamus relays sensor information and helps regulate sleep-wake cycle.
REM Sleep
REM sleep includes rapid eye movement, increased brain activity resembling wakefulness, and includes muscle paralysis.
Why dos caffeine disrupt the circadian rhythm?
It stimulates the nervous system.
What is rich in magnesium and tryptophan? What do they do?
Nuts and seeds contain them. They support relaxation and improve quality of sleep.
What happens when you have a consistent sleep schedule?
What does the Basal Forebrain do for sleep?
The basal forebrain releases neurotransmitters like acetylcholine and GABA. These help promote sleep and wakefulness.
Act out how proper sleep hygiene.
Free response
Why do high sugar foods disrupt sleep?
They can cause blood sugar fluctuations and energy crashes, making it hard to stay asleep at night.
What can increase the production of serotonin?
Complex carbohydrates and lean proteins
1. Get exposure to light during the day/morning. Limit exposure to artificial/blue light in the evening.
2. Maintain a consistent sleep schedule, with consistent sleep and wake times.
3. Incorporate regular exercise, balanced diet, and relaxation techniques.
How are neurotransmitters involved in sleep?
GABA - inhibitory neurotransmitter that promotes sleep by reducing neural activity and inducing relaxation.
Glutamate - excitatory neurotransmitter that promotes wakefulness.
Serotonin and Histamine - promotes wakefulness and regulated REM sleep. Histamine also promotes wakefulness.
Dopamine and Noradrenaline - wakefulness and regulating transitions between sleep stages.
What does REM sleep do?
Its associated with dreaming, memory consolidation, and emotional processing.
What foods impact the nervous system and/or neruotransmitters?
Processed food and Caffeine
What helps release melatonin in the body?
Tart Cherries and Dairy products