What is the recommended amount of sleep for eighth graders?
8-10 hours of sleep for ages 13 and up!
(9-12 hours for ages 12 and under)
Sea otters hold hands to sleep (true or false)?
TRUE! so they don't drift away :)
How can I train my body to associate my bed with sleeping?
Only use your bed for sleep - not eating, studying, or watching TV!
What age group needs the most sleep?
Name 3 reasons why it may be troublesome to have devices accessible at night
- Distraction from going to sleep
- Noises from alerts and notifications
- Blue light keeps your brain awake
Insomnia is a normal part of grief (true or false)
Should I sleep with a clock in my room?
No! If you have difficulty sleeping and check the time throughout the night, it can worsen your anxiety about losing sleep. If you use a traditional alarm clock, keep it out of sight.
What happens (emotionally) when you get less than 7 hours of sleep?
You are more likely to experience emotional lability and emotions such as anger, sadness, and stress.
What is one of the biggest sleep distractions?
24 hour internet access
What room temperature is recommended for optimal sleep?
65 degrees!
FALSE! You are less likely to retain anything you are trying to learn and have more difficulty recalling it during the test, and you are likely to perform worse on the test.
What is one way to naturally encourage your body to wake up in the morning?
Open the curtains/blinds and let some sunlight in! (this may not apply to Washingtonians)
True or false: falling asleep in under 5 minutes is healthy and normal
FALSE! Typically falling asleep takes 10-15 minutes. Immediate onset of sleep indicates sleep deprivation.
What is the best method for preventing or reversing the effects of sleep loss?
What are three physical issues/disorders that may interfere with sleep?
- Sleep apnea
- Depression
- Anxiety
It's okay to take a 1 hour nap after school (true or false)
FALSE - Research says taking naps can be beneficial, but the length of time can be tricky. Naps longer than 45 minutes are not recommended.
Why do people tell you to count sheep?
Any form of focused mindfulness may put your mind at ease. Try picking a category of something you know a lot about (names of sports teams, horse breeds, types of trees), and go through the alphabet in your mind, finding something for each letter.
What are you more at risk for (physically) if you are sleep deprived?
Increased risk of catching a cold or infection.
Name one thing that happens in your body during sleep.
- hormone production (especially in puberty!)
- immune system support
What percentage of the population can function on less than 6 hours of sleep a night?
Sleeping in on the weekends may mess up your sleep schedule and ability to fall asleep during the school week.
TRUE! - Most of us like to sleep a little extra on the weekends, but it's important to stay within a two hour range of your typical bedtimes and wake up times in order to avoid sleep difficulties during the week.
What specific foods may induce or encourage sleep?
Almonds, turkey, chamomile tea, kiwi, tart cherry juice, walnuts, passionflower tea
At what number of hours of being awake does someone become as impaired as a legally drunk (0.08% BAC) driver?
20 hours!
What animal sleeps the most?