The amount of time you should give yourself to wind down before going to sleep
30 minutes
This bodily system works while we sleep to repair wounds and fight off infections
Immune system
Doing this later in the afternoon or early evening can make it hard to fall asleep at night
This Allies leader took daily 1-hour naps throughout WWII
Winston Churchill
A physiological process which often happens when we are tired or bored, but scientists can’t agree on its purpose
The ideal quantity of sleep recommended for young adults (18–25-year-olds)
7-9 hours
Sleep provides an infusion of neurochemicals like dopamine and norepinephrine and improve these psychological states
This stimulant should not be consumed within six hours of your bedtime
This “poker-faced” American singer once took a spontaneous nap during an interview with Vogue magazine
Lady Gaga
This sleep stage plays an especially important role in dreaming, memory, emotional processing, and healthy brain development
REM sleep
Following the same steps each night to reinforce in your mind and signal to your body that it’s bedtime
A sleep routine
Sleep improves this cognitive process which is used to acquire, store, retain, and later retrieve information
This depressant may induce sleep quickly, but even small amounts can reduce sleep quality by 9%
This basketball legend insists on getting at least 12 hours of quality sleep each night
Lebron James
A sleep disorder which is defined as “persistent difficulty with sleep onset, maintenance, consolidation, or overall quality”
These can hinder the production of melatonin and should be turned off 30-60 minutes before sleep
Electronic devices
This bodily system benefits from sleep because it gets to rest and recover when heart rate slows, blood pressure drops, and breathing stabilizes
Cardiovascular system
An invisible form of energy which disrupts our sleep-wake cycles by suppressing melatonin, our body’s natural sleep aid
This American actor had a post-lunch nap written into his Lethal Weapon contract
Damon Wayans
A hormone your body creates to facilitate sleep
The optimal room temperature experts recommend for quality sleep
65 degrees
Quality sleep regulates the hormones that control hunger, thereby preventing this dangerous health condition
These mental health conditions can create sleep problems which then worsen these mental health conditions
Anxiety & depression
This literary character slept for 20 years and missed the American Revolution in its entirety
Rip van Winkle
The body’s internal clock which SHOULD follow the daily pattern of day and night
Circadian rhythm