Memory 1
Drug Use
Memory 2
Kevin needs to remember what he learned in today's classes. His memory of the material is most likely to be facilitated by
What is slow-wave sleep
Because she was listening to the news on the radio, Mrs. Schultz didn't perceive a word her husband was saying. Her experience best illustrates
What is selective attention
Sixteen-year-old Bethany is becoming increasingly concerned about her use of marijuana on weekends. To reduce her use of this drug Bethany should
What is stop associating with friends who use marijuana.
Reading a romantic novel caused Consuela to recall some old experiences with a high school boyfriend. The effect of the novel on Consuela's memory retrieval is an illustration of
What is priming
The letters Y, M, O, M, R, E are presented. Jill remembers them by rearranging them to spell the word “MEMORY.” This provides an illustration of
What is chunking
After four years of working nights, Raymond is now beginning to work days. His present difficulty in getting to sleep at night is most likely due to a disruption of his
What is biological clock
Briefly glancing at a visual scene without consciously processing it may lead us to experience ________ when we subsequently focus conscious attention on the scene.
What is déjà vu
Research on the use of addictive drugs indicates that
What is many people are able to stop using addictive drugs without professional help.
Exceptionally clear memories of emotionally significant events are called
What is flashbulb memories.
After studying biology all afternoon, Alonzo is having difficulty remembering details of the organic chemistry material he memorized that morning. Alonzo's difficulty best illustrates
What is retroactive interference
One version of neural activation theory best helps to explain why
What is people often experience sudden visual images during REM sleep
On the phone, Dominic rattles off a list of 10 grocery items for Kyoko to bring home from the store. Immediately after hearing the list, Kyoko attempts to write down the items. She is most likely to forget the items
What is in the middle of the list
After two years of regularly smoking cigarettes, Lynette is preparing to quit. Which of the following symptoms of nicotine withdrawal is she most likely to experience when she first discontinues smoking?
What is anxiety
To remember a list of the school supplies she needs, Marcy mentally visualizes each item at a certain location in her house. Marcy's tactic best illustrates use of
What is a mnemonic technique
Using your working memory to link an unfamiliar textbook glossary term with the first letter sound required to pronounce the term illustrates
What is shallow processing
About three hours after he falls asleep, Bobby often sits up in bed screaming incoherently. His mother tries to awaken him, but with no success. The next morning, he remembers nothing. It appears that Bobby suffers from
What is night terrors
After having seen many pictures of the Lincoln Monument during his lifetime, Mr. Adams mistakenly recalled that he had actually visited the site. This best illustrates
What is source amnesia
One of the dangers of using Ecstasy at all-night dances is
What is dehydration
Mrs. Ramos claims to remember being sexually abused by her father when she was less than a year old. Her memory is not likely to be reliable because of
What is infantile amnesia
Although Arturo has looked at his watch thousands of times, he is unable to recall whether the watch features Arabic or Roman numerals. This is most likely because of a failure in
What is encoding
Josef, a high school student, tells his therapist that he has had a recurring dream in which he hunts and kills a ferocious tiger. The therapist explains that the dream reflects Josef's unresolved feelings of hostility toward his father. According to Freud, the therapist is revealing the possible ________ content of Josef's dream.
What is latent
An attorney uses misleading questions to distort a court witness' recall of a previously observed crime. This best illustrates
What is the misinformation effect
Arlette often consumes up to six cocktails in a row before she experiences any noticeable symptoms of intoxication. This suggests that Arlette has developed
What is tolerance
Four-year-old Aaron doesn't recall ever seeing a hypodermic needle, and he can't remember the series of painful injections he received when he was a 2-year-old. When shown a hypodermic needle, however, he reacted with a classically conditioned fear response. Aaron's fear reaction indicates that he retains a(n) ________ memory
What is implicit
When Jason briefly turned to summon the waiter, his wife quickly switched her glass of red wine with his glass of white wine. Jason's failure to notice that his chosen wine had been replaced best illustrates
What is change blindness