What does not cause cavities?
What is the sensation of falling while sleeping called?
hypnic jerk
Top song #1
someone you loved by lewis capaldi
Top TV #1
gilmore girls
I engulf you in darkness but you see many things i can be resisted but a lack of me leaves rings what am i?
What does milk do?
make your teeth and bones stronger
What kills you before food deprivation?
sleep deprivation
Top song #2
heather by conan gray
Top TV #2
pretty little liars
During what month do people sleep the least?
What fruit has its seeds on the outside?
What percent of people are sleepwalkers?
Top song #3
all i want by kodaline
Top TV #3
american horror story
What vegetable is the most fun to be around and the one that everybody wants to hang out with?
bananas are both a _____ and _____
berry and herb
How much of a humans life is spent sleeping?
Top song #4
before you go by lewis capaldi
Top TV #4
sons of anarchy
What kind of food does the baby chicken make when it goes to the bathroom?
Apples, pears, peaches are part of which family?
The rose family
what percent of people dream of black and white?
Top #5
dynamite by BTS
Top TV #5
What is the wealthiest nut?