What percent of the population do nightmares affect ?
4-8 percent
What does 'REM' stand for ?
Rapid Eye Movement
Morning/Night person in other words
Early bird/Night Owl
T or F Everybody needs 8 hours of sleep a night ?
How long does it take on average for a person to want to go back to sleep after experiencing a night terror.
30 minutes
How many periods of REM sleep do humans usually experience per night ?
4-6 periods
What does NREM sleep mean ?
Non-Rapid Eye Movement
What is the average amount of sleep cycle for an adult?
4-5 hours
T or F Sleep Terror disorder affects mainly adults.
REM sleep helps develop the brain to do what ?
What is the definition of dream ?
A collection of images, thought, and idea.
What is the purpose of NREM sleep ?
To restore and repair the body
What is 'REM' sleep behavior disorder.
Where people act out of vivid dreams in real life.
Does REM sleep happen before NREM ?
No it starts after NREM
Does your brain go to sleep when you do ?
No it is still active
What is the purpose of REM sleep ?
To restore the mind
What are the 2 ways to be help deal with sleeping disorders ?
Prescription drugs & Psychotherapy
What is the name of stage 3 ?
Slow wave sleep
T or F Dreams only last a few seconds ?
T or F Everyone dreams (in general)