Figurative Language

Why is Sleepy Hollow different from other New York towns surrounding it?

What is Sleepy Hollow did not change its quiet culture whenever people from the North began migrating south and brought a bustling culture with them, changing most quiet towns to busy cities.


What is the significance of the story recorder's name?

What is that Diedrich Knickerbocker's first name can be split into two words-- "Died rich," meaning that he may have exploited his Dutch heritage by making money off of the recording "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow."


What type of irony is used whenever the characters within the story, nor the readers know what is happening or has happened?

What is situational irony.

"The Legend of Sleepy Hollow is told in ______ person, ______ point of view.

What is 1st person omniscient point of view.


What is the definition of a coquette?

What is a flirtatious girl who leads men to believe she wants a relationship with them, but does not always.


What is the purpose of the Headless Horseman in "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow"?

What is to protect the Dutch culture from outsiders who try to change the town's ways.


What is most likely the reason that Ichabod did not end up with Katrina?

What is that he wanted Katrina for her wealthy inheritance and he was too unlike the Dutch people to appreciate Katrina for who she was.


"Ichabod... had to win his way to the heart of a country coquette... who beset every portal to her heart, keeping a watchful and angry eye upon each other, but ready to fly out in the common cause against any new competitor" is an example of what literary device?

What is foreshadowing.


What is the exposition (setting, year, and beginning of story events) of "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow"?

What is in a small town in New York, 1790s, in a quiet town where the inhabitants live in an "enchanted region" full of ghost stories, and traditions stay the same.


What is a flat character?

What is a character who can advance the plot, but the audience does not receive much information about his or her personality, actions, or day-to-day life. Opposite of a round character.


How does the time period of "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" affect how the slow, quiet Dutch culture is perceived by outsiders?

What is that the Dutch culture seems to lag behind in advancements of society compared to other cities that have adopted more modern practices and faster-paced living styles.


What is Katrina Van Tassel a symbol for in "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow"?

What is that Katrina is a symbol for the rich Dutch culture that outsiders cannot change for their benefit.


What is Ichabod's school a symbol for in "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow"?

What is it is a symbol for a kingdom where Ichabod rules over the Dutch people.


What is the climax of "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow"?

What is when the Headless Horseman throws his head at Ichabod, and Ichabod crashes to the ground.


Ichabod is ______ while Brom is ______. (Consider opposing character traits)

What is that Ichabod is intelligent while Brom is strong (like a jock).


Ichabod is referred to as a lion in one part of the story where he holds a baby which is referred to as a lamb. Ichabod is a dangerous creature and the baby is a gentle creature. How can you further relate this metaphor to the Dutch people and other outside colonizers? What cultures are the lion and what culture is the lamb?

What is the British colonizers and others who have adopted modern ways are the lions because they want to prey on other cultures who have not adopted a fast-paced and fierce way of life like the Dutch.


The excerpt at the beginning of the story states this: "A pleasing land of drowsy head it was,/Of dreams that wave before the half-shut eye;/ And of gay castles in the clouds that pass,/Forever flushing round a summer sky." What might this passage suggest about the characters in "Sleepy Hollow"?

What is that most inhabitants are peacefully ignorant of the changing cultures in other towns around them, and they still harbor the beliefs of fantastical occurrences rather than modern studies of science to explain the supernatural.


"Spare the rod and spoil the child" is a/an _______ to the Bible.

What is an allusion.


What is the main "moral" of the story?

What is that people who try to change a culture for their benefit and gain will have a difficult time doing so and will instead lose everything while the culture stays the same.


What is a dynamic character?

What is a character that changes his or her beliefs or actions from the beginning of the story to the end of the story. Opposite of a static character.


How do the townspeople of Sleepy Hollow view and treat Ichabod Crane?

What is they view him as an interesting, charming and intelligent man, and they treat him with hospitality (except for Brom), but they do not see him as necessary to live their lives properly and have a good life.

How does Ichabod compare himself to Dutch settlers?

Ichabod believes he is more intelligent than the Dutch settlers, and he believes he can teach a dull, Dutch town to be more interesting and exciting like the areas around Sleepy Hollow.


"They harried his hitherto peaceful domains; smoked out his singing school by stopping up the chimney, spite of its formidable fastenings of withe and window stakes, and turned everything topsy-turvy..." has many examples of what literary device?

What is alliteration.


How is the plot structured to enhance supernatural suspense within the story? (Give examples of supernatural moments throughout the plot)

What is each event within the story has some sort of supernatural element to it including Ichabod with a "Witchcraft" book which leads Ichabod to inquire further about the Headless Horseman. Ichabod hears stories about the Headless Horseman which makes him afraid to go through a certain part of the woods at night. This eventually leads him to meet the Headless Horseman.

What is the Headless Horseman actually referred to as?

What is "Galloping Hessian."
