Cover Letters
Mock Interviews
LinkedIn Profiles
All about the PA's!

When it comes to showing a Grade Point Average(GPA) on your resume, this is the minimum number that we recommend should be shown. 

What is a 3.0 GPA?


A phrase like this could make it seem presumptuous in your cover letter, and should be avoided

What is "I believe"?


Clothes like a button-up shirt/blouse, and dress pants or khakis with dress shoes fit into what style of dress for an interview?

What is business casual?


When taking a profile picture for your LinkedIn profile, this type of background in the most appropriate for the photo. 

What is a neutral background?


This Peer Advisor has worked in the Center for Career Services the longest. 

Who is Shannon?


This method is used to create bullet points for each job position in a resume. 

What is the P.A.R. method?


The first part of every cover letter should consist of these three components. 

What are first name, last name, and home address?


Maintaining good posture and not fidgeting excessively are examples of this trait that many employees look for in a candidate. 

What is professionalism?


When creating your LinkedIn profile, it is essential that one does not put this document on their profile

What is their resume?


This Peer Advisor will be working as a development and communications coordinator for the Congregation of St. Joseph.

Who is Erin?


When creating the headline of your resume, it is important that you do not use this format. 

What is left-align?


When someone does not know who will be reading the cover letter, they should use this title.

What is "Hiring Manager"?


This technique is used during an interview when answering a behavior-based question, where the interviewee describes the situation, task, action, and result. 

What is the S.T.A.R. method?


When you don't know what to write the headline for your LinkedIn profile, it is important that you follow this format. 

What is " Your Major and Aspiring Future Career"?


This Peer Advisor will be spending this summer interning for a festival that hosts approximately 40,000 people per year. 

Who is Celie?


A resume is different from a curriculum vitae(CV). The main difference between the two is this.

What is the length of the document?

The introduction paragraph of the cover letter should consist of these three main components. 

What are the job you are applying for, how you heard about the position, and why you are interested in the job?


Doing things like not crossing your arms when talking or mirroring the interviewer are effective ways to show this important trait in an interview.  

What is openness?


Even if employees may not read this, it is still good to include this in your LinkedIn profile. 

What is a professional summary?


This Peer Advisor is a part of the Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine Early Acceptance Program.

Who is Sandy?


When it comes to putting your education in your resume, we recommend removing this piece of information. 

What is your high school?


After finishing your cover letter, always be sure to do this before submitting it. 

What is proofread?


Responses to questions at an interview should consist of these three components. 

What are concise, organized, and well prepared?


When it comes to adding volunteer experiences, you need to make sure that they are either completed or this component. 

What is current?


This Peer Advisor will be working as an Audit Intern for BDO this coming January. 

Who is Jackson?
