Writing and Speaking
Library and Research
Money Management
Healthy Relationships
True or False: Managing, leading, thinking, and creating will only be expected in certain majors and careers.
It is safe to say that we live in the _______ Age. A. Agricultural B. Information C. Industrial D. All of the above
What is B - Information Age!
True or False: It is common for college students to complete their degree with some form of financial aid to cover their educational expenses.
What is TRUE
True or False: Approximately four out of five college students believe their college experiences have limited them in developing their views on cultures, values, and regions.
What is FALSE.
True or False: The quality of relationships students develop in college can have a positive influence (or positive effects) on their success.
What is TRUE
Freewriting includes: A. Not eliminating any ideas B. Just writing at will C. Research and outlining D. Determining the proper length of the paper
What is C - Research and outlining
Information literacy refers to the ability to _______ A. Read information B. Read newspapers and magazines C. Find and interpret information D. Read and use textbooks
What is C - Find and interpret information
A fixed expense is one that _____ A. Will cost you the same amount each time you pay it. B. Will only be paid once. C. Will increase by 10 percent each month. D. None of the above
What is A - will cost you the same amount each time you pay it.
_________ is the variation of social and cultural identities among people existing together. A. Diversity B. Ethnicity C. Racism D. Multiculturalism
Motivation in college is considered to be ________ A. the responsibility of the instructor B. the responsibility of the parents C. the responsibility of each individual D. the responsibility of counselors
What is C - the responsibility of each individual
To work on how others might perceive your writing tone, you can: A. Practice continually B. Write just for the fun of writing C. Read books that have several authors D. Consider the reader's point of view
What is D - Consider the reader's point of view
When doing academic research on Web sites, critical thinking will allow you to find _______ A. More sites to research B. Better sites to research C. And selectively filter out the garbage online. D. More information to utilize in your research
What is C - selectively filter out the garbage online!
Which of the following is a strategy to cut costs? A. Recognize the difference between your needs and wants. B. Share expenses with a roommate, if possible. C. Look at the pros and cons of living on campus. D. All of the above
What is D - all of the above!
The terms ethnicity and culture _______ A. Mean the same thing. B. Have different definitions C. Are used interchangeably D. Both b and c
What is D - both B and C
The best way to manage your image online is to _____ A. restrict the photos you post to friends only B. not express controversial opinions C. not list the year you were born D. all of the above
What is D - all of the above
The six fundamental steps of successful speaking include all except which of the following? A. Clarify your objective B. Skip visual aids so your audience is not distracted. C. Prepare your notes. D. Practice your delivery
What is B - Skip visual aids so your audience is not distracted.
When using electronic resources, you should: A. Begin with a narrow search B. Add terms to broaden your search C. Use Boolean operators D. All of the above
What is C - Use Boolean operators!
The most productive investment you can make for your future is in _______ A. mutual funds B. your education C. high-yielding stocks and bonds D. financial management
What is B - your education!
Many students hesitate to become active in multicultural education because they are __________ A. more concerned about themselves B. uncomfortable stepping outside of their comfort zone C. more concerned about classes regarding their major D. unaware of the benefits
What is B - uncomfortable with stepping outside of their comfort zone
Greek organizations are ________ A. a waste of time and money B. a good way for students to "buy" their friends C. philosophically distasteful D. not all alike, nor are their members
What is D - not all alike, nor are their members
List three questions to ask yourself when analyzing your audience.
What do they already know about my topic? What do they want or need to know? Who are they? What do they have in common with me? what are their attitudes toward me, my ideas, and my topic? How are they likely to feel about the ideas I am presenting?
List four differences between scholarly journals and popular magazines
What is - scholarly journals have long articles; provide in-depth information on a topic; are written by experts on a subject; contain graphs, tables, or photographs to support text; are refereed or reviewed; and are documented by works cited or reference pages. Popular magazines have shorter articles; provide a broad overview of a topic; are written by journalists or staff reports; contain lots of color photos of people and events; are evaluated by an editor; and include no bibliography
How can you avoid paying extra bank fees?
What is: avoid making late payments on credit cards and other bills; set up online automatic payments.
List five (5) different forms of diversity.
What is race, ethnicity, age, religion, physical ability, gender, and sexual orientation
List two concerns that parents might have regarding their children who are in college.
Parents fear you'll harm yourself; parents think their children are still young and innocent; parents continue to picture you as a child; parents mean well and love their children; parents fear you might change in some negative way; parents fear that you may never come home again.