Who is the main character?
In the book the main character is hanging in a large room, is it a large room he is hanging in, in the movie?
Does the short policeman like donuts?
Does Bollywood make more films than Hollywood?
What type of money do they use in India?
Indian rupee
What is Jamals brothers name?
What is the woman that comes to help the main character in the start of the book?
A lawyer
What letter does the host write on the mirror?
The letter B
What animal is holy in India?
The cow
Does India celbrate christmas on the 25th or the 26th of december?
25th of december
What is the beautiful girl's name?
What is the main characters name in the book?
Ram Mohammad Thomas
Who picks up the phone when to help him answer the question?
Is there a temple filled with rabbits in India?
No there is one filled with rats.
How many atoms does water consists?
3 atoms
What are the names on the two men who are enemies?
Javid and Maman
Does the main character have a brother in the book?
Does he cheat in the game?
Is it true that India was the first country to mine diamonds?
How many holy rats are living in a temple for rats in India?
20.000 rats
What is the name of the host?
Prem Kumar
What job does the main character get in the end of the book?
An Actor
What does the lucky coin land on when he throws it in the game?
The highest bridge in the world is in India what is it called?
Chenab Bridge
What is in the middle of the Indian flag?
A 24-spoke wheel in navy blue.