How many emergency exit doors are there in Casa Oasis?
Cuantas puertas de salida de emergencia hay en casa oasis?
15 emergency exit doors
Vehicle we regularly use for perimeter?
Vehiculo que utilizamos regularmente para perimetro ?
Toyota Tacoma Vehicle # 16
During the evacuation of the fire who broke Usain Bolt record of 9.58sec
Durante la evacuacion del incendio quien rompio la marca de Usain Bolt de 9.58seg?
Manny M (8.58 sec)
How many oceans are there? Bonus 200 points
Cuanos Oceanos hay? Bono 200 puntos
Oceans 5
Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Arctic and Antarctic
Pacifico, Atlantico, Indico, Artico y Antartico
Maximum number of children you can be in Ratio a staff during the first, second and third shifts?
Maximo de ninos que puedes estar en Ratio un staff durante primer, segundo y tercer turno ?
First 8 children.
Second 8 Children.
Third 16 children.
How many Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) do we have in the facility (HALL)?
Cuantos desfibrilador automatico externo (AED) tenemos en la facility (Pasillos)?
2 Automatic External Defibrillator (AED)
Purpose of Realizing Perimeter?
Proposito de realizar perimetro?
Safety and Secure.
Who is the rapper of Casa Oasis?
Quien es el rapero de Casa Oasis?
SM Juan Carlos.
Year that began and Year that ended the Second World War?
A#o de inicio y termino de la Segunda Guerra Mundial?
1939 - 1945
Ratio in outing?
Capacity of children in Casa Oasis?
Capacidad de ninos en Casa Oasis?
89 Children
What is our most vulnerable area during recreation?
Cual es nuestra area mas vulnerable durante recreacion ?
Black Gate.
What is Al Nizza afraid of?
A que le tiene miedo SL Nizza.?
How many planets are in our solar system?
Cuantos Planetas hay en nuestro sistema solar?
Bonus 300 points
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.
What is not allowed to enter the facility?
Que no esta permitido meter a la facility?
Number of children (females)?
Number of children (Males)?
Numero de ninos (masculinos)?
Numero de ninas (femeninas)?
Children females 23
Children males 66
Four signs of a possible runaway?
Cuatro senales de un posible runaway?
What animal stalks Casa Oasis at night and early morning.?
Que animal asecha a Casa Oasis en las noches y madrugada ?
What was the best-selling video game console in history?
Cual fue la consola de video juego mas vendida de la Historia?
Play station 2
Note: 155 million
Who are the mandatory reports?
All Staff
How many fire extinguishers are within the Facility of access.?
Cuantos extintores estan dentro de la facility que puedas accesar?
14 extinguishers
Nota (Total 23)
How many meeting points are there in Casa Oasis and where are they located?
Cuantos puntos de reunion hay en Casa Oasis y donde estan Ubicados?
Metting points 6
Located: Staff Parking, Back Parking. Fleet Parking
Basketball court, Soccer field and Long field.
Full name of second shift SM.?
Nombre completo de SM de second shift.?
Jose Marte Garza
Arnoldo Chavez Flores
Hugo Alberto Castillo
Largest River in the World?
Rio Mas Grande del Mundo?
Bonus: Distance River 500 points
Amazon River
3977 Millas 6400 km
High 5 approach.