This man was thrown into the lion's den and into a furnace. His name is also the name of the book.
The man who endured ALL the sufferings in the Old Testament. Boils, the death of his children, the loss of his livestock, etc.
Jesus' cousin who also baptized him
John the Baptist
"I can do all things through Christ who _____ __ _______."
" me strength."
This city was birthplace of Jesus Christ
How many times did the trumpets blow before the walls of Jericho came tumbling down?
The two sons of Adam, the first man. One killed the other with a rock.
Cain and Abel
Jesus rode into Jerusalem on this animal before being crucified days later.
"He must become greater and greater, and I must become ____ ___ ____."
"... less and less."
Jesus was baptized in this river
The Jordan River
The world was flooded for this many days and nights
David killed this man with a stone and sling, the man was the warrior from this nation. (must give 2 names)
Goliath & Philistines (or Philistine Army)
This was the first miracle of Jesus
Turning water to wine
"Don't waste what is holy on people who are unholy. Don't throw your ______ __ ____!"
"... pearls to pigs (swine)!"
Jesus is from this town (not born but lived primarily). "Jesus of ________"
This disciple walked on water to meet Jesus
Samson killed 1,000 Philistine men with this item...
The jawbone of a donkey
Name of the man who was set free instead of Jesus.
"Do not conform the the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the ________ __ ____ ____"
"... renewing of your mind."
Jonah was called to preach to this city about their wrongdoings.
How many plagues were sent to Egypt in Exodus
A story of two brothers, Jacob and Esau... Esau gave Jacob this in exchange for a bowl of stew.
His birthright
Name the disciple who betrayed Jesus and for how many pieces of silver he was betrayed.
Judas (Iscariot) & 30
"Stay alert! Watch out for your enemy the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, _______ ___ _______ __ ______"
"...looking for someone to devour."
Moses was given the commandments on this mountain
Mount Sinai