This animal's milk, full of nutritional and antiallergenic properties, makes delicious yogurt, cheese, and ice cream.
What is a goat?
Young cattle are called calves. Young sheep are called lambs. Young goats are called this.
What is a kid?
Name an external parasite that affects sheep and goats
What are lice, ticks, or fleas?
This is the term to describe a sheep or goat whose parents are the same breed.
What is a purebred?
Baseballs, tennis balls, and other sports equipment can be made from fleece byproducts of this animal.
What is a sheep?
Goats and sheep, along with cows, dogs, and pigs belong to this class of animals.
What is a mammal?
This piece of equipment is used to trim sheep and goat hooves to prevent bacterial infection and maintain balance.
What are clippers?
This Spanish breed of sheep is known for having the finest fleece.
What is Merino?
The bones, hooves, and horns of this animal can be used to make a delicious gooey campfire treat.
What are sheep?
This term describes the process of cutting a lambs tail short.
What is docking?
This scoring system matches the eye mucus membrane color to a color coded card to determine presence of barber pole worms
What is FAMACHA?
This breed of goat is known for it's tiny ears.
What is LaMancha?
This fiber which comes from Angora goats makes a soft and luxurious yarn that can be used to make clothing and home furnishings.
What is Mohair?
This is the term to describe sheep and goats that are born without horns
What is polled?
This is the process of administering an oral medication usually to treat worms.
What is drenching?
This breed of sheep is able to be bred out of season, in the spring, for fall born lambs.
What is Dorset?
The meat that comes from cattle is called beef. The meat that comes from a goat is called this.
What is Chevon or Cabrito?
In this digestive process animals regurgitate "cud" from one of their 4 stomachs for a second chewing.
What is rumination?
This dangerous respiratory infection can be prevented by providing adequate ventilation, preventing drafts, and reducing stress in animals.
What is pneumonia?
This is the most important nutrient to ensure that small ruminants have free access to.
What is water?
This part of the small ruminate digestive system is a small pouch like structure that collects large and fibrous pieces of food and regurgitates them back up to the mouth for a second chewing
What is the reticulum?