How many countries offer SMART recovery?
24 countries
True/false: Is SMART recovery abstinence-based?
What does SMART stand for?
Self Management and Recovery Training
True/false: SMART also offers services for family members and friends
What kind of program does SMART recovery use?
4-Point Program
True/False: SMART recovery is only for substance abuse?
False: SMART focuses on all addictions
Name 2 of 6 principles of SMART
Recovery through self-empowerment
mutual help
volunteer management
participant support
evidence-based practice
Does SMART consider Addiction a disease?
No position on this issue
When was SMART established?
What are differences we see in SMART and 12- step programs like NA/AA?
No labels (ex. Alcoholic, addict)
No sponsorship
SMART recovery is based largely on evidence-based practice concepts and interventions derived from?
cognitive-behavioral psychology, motivational interviewing, mindfulness
How long does it take to become a facilitator?
2 months
SMART recovery has a number of weekly meetings. Where and how can you attend a meeting?
SMART recovery offers phone, online, and in person meetings. They can be found on the smart recovery community site
What are the 4-Points?
1) Building and maintaining motivation to change
2) Coping with urges to use
3) Managing thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in an effective way without addictive behaviors
4) living a balanced, positive, and healthy life
Define self-direction
We would do well to cooperate with others, but it would be better for us to assume primary responsibility for our lives rather than to demand or need most of our support or nurturance from others
True/False: SMART is only for atheists and agnostics
SMART Recovery supports the scientifically informed use of?
Psychological treatment and legally prescribed psychiatric and addiction medication
What is SMART's mission statement?
"To empower people to achieve independence from addiction problems with our science-based 4-Point Program."
What is Non-Utopian
We are unlikely to get everything we want or to avoid everything we find painful. Healthy people do not waste time striving for the unattainable or for unrealistic perfection.
What are some forums that the SMART recovery community community offers?
success stories, tools and discussion, specialized group and peer support, etc