general trivia

what astronaut has an IQ of 139

neil armstrong


how many nobel prizes did einstein win



not really an achievement but,

who are the smartest monkeys (2)

koko the ape: The gorilla, who was said to have an IQ of between 75 and 95, could understand 2,000 words of spoken English.

kanzi the chimp: Kanzi the chimpanzee can start fires and cook, making him one of the world's smartest monkeys. Kanzi is one smart monkey. The 31-year-old bonobo chimpanzee not only knows how to use tools -- he knows how to start fires and fry himself a meal


what is Christopher Michael Langans IQ

Christopher Michael Langan (born March 25, 1952) is an American horse rancher and autodidact who has been reported to score very highly on IQ tests. Langan's IQ was estimated on ABC's 20/20 to be between 195 and 210, and he has been described by some journalists as "the smartest man in America" or "in the world".


who is the smartest person living (2020)

Christopher Michael Langan


which one of the most famous people in the world has a high IQ

(the answer second most famous person in the world and his IQ) (number 1 most famous is micheal jackson)


Bill Gates achieved 1590/1600, which can be said Bill Gates IQ Test score is 160, then he passed the exam of Harvard University.


what award besides a nobel prize did einstein win

In 1925 the Royal Society awarded Einstein the Copley Medal. In 1926, he was awarded the Gold Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society. In 1929, Max Planck presented Einstein with the Max Planck medal of the German Physical Society in Berlin, for extraordinary achievements in theoretical physics.


who is the smartest kid in the world? 2020

Thirteen-year-old Egyptian boy Abdulrahman Hussain was named the smartest child in the world at a global competition held in Malaysia the week of May 20 2020, which 70 countries participated in.


what was Issac Newtons IQ

Issac Newton   190-200


based off of IQ who is the 3rd smartest 

Leonardo da Vinci


what is isaac newton famous for

Isaac Newton (1642–1727) is best known for having invented the calculus in the mid to late 1660s (most of a decade before Leibniz did so independently, and ultimately more influentially) and for having formulated the theory of universal gravity — the latter in his Principia, the single most important work in the ...Dec 19, 2007


why did einstein get a nobel prize 

The Nobel Prize in Physics 1921 was awarded to Albert Einstein "for his services to Theoretical Physics, and especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect." Albert Einstein received his Nobel Prize one year later, in 1922.


 who won the nobel peace prize 2009?

(the year i was born)

Barack Obama


Leonardo da Vinci has the third highest  IQ. what is it

Leonardo da Vinci----180-220


who is the second smartest

Rick Rosner Rick Rosner


what is einstein famous for

Albert Einstein is justly famous for devising his theory of relativity, which revolutionized our understanding of space, time, gravity, and the universe.


who got the most Nobel Prizes ever

Linus Pauling is the only person to have been awarded two unshared Nobel Prizes – the 1954 Nobel Prize in Chemistry and the 1962 Nobel Peace Prize.


who won the nobel peace prize 2020?

(it was a progam/ group of people)

World Food Programme

The Nobel Peace Prize 2020 was awarded to World Food Programme (WFP) "for its efforts to combat hunger, for its contribution to bettering conditions for peace in conflict-affected areas and for acting as a driving force in efforts to prevent the use of hunger as a weapon of war and conflict."


Einstein has the second highest IQ

what is his IQ

Albert Einstein IQ:160-225


who is the smartest person ever 

William James Sidis

William James Sidis was quite possibly the smartest man who ever lived. Born in Boston in 1898, William James Sidis made the headlines in the early 20th century as a child prodigy with an amazing intellect. His IQ was estimated to be 50 to 100 points higher than Albert Einstein's.


what is da vinci famous for?

(what main thing is he known for)

His natural genius crossed so many disciplines that he epitomized the term “Renaissance man.” Today he remains best known for his art, including two paintings that remain among the world's most famous and admired, Mona Lisa and The Last Supper. Art, da Vinci believed, was indisputably connected with science and nature.


who got the first nobel peace prize

Henry Dunant, founder of the International Committee of the Red Cross, shared the first Nobel Peace Prize with Frédéric Passy, a leading international pacifist of the time.


what achievements did leonardo da vinci have

name atleast one

  • #1 Da Vinci was a prolific inventor.
  • #2 He designed a tank more than 400 years before it became a reality.
  • #3 Da Vinci designed a mechanical knight known as Leonardo's robot.
  • #4 He designed a workable precursor to the modern diving suit.
  • #5 He conceptualized the parachute, glider, helicopter and landing gear.   ECT

who had the highest IQ in history

(for their age)

Marilyn vos Savant------------Marilyn vos Savant was born in 1946 in Missouri. In 1986 the columnist and author made history when she was named in The Guinness Book of World Records as the person possessing the highest IQ, with a reported score of 228. She is said to have achieved the score on the Stanford-Binet test at the age of ten.
