Forces and Motion
Star and Solar System
Sound and Light
A species that has no more members alive on Earth is said to be ______. The Tasmanian tiger of Australia was a mammal the size of a wolf that was hunted until they are all gone. The last one seen alive died in 1936. (S4L2b)
What is extinct?
They are scientists who study weather. They use many different kinds of tools to help them observe the weather. (S4E4a)
What is a Meteorologists?
This is an action that either pushes or pulls on an object. This can be the result of contact. You apply this to a book when you push it across a desk. These can also result when objects are not in contact with each other. Objects with more mass need more of this to move them. Objects with less mass need less of this to move them. (S4P3b)
What is a force?
This is a path that one object takes around another object. Earth moves around the Sun. The Moon moves around Earth. (S4E1)
What is an orbit?
This describes how high or low a sound is. The rumble of a train is a low ___. Your shoes squeaking on the floor is a high ____. (S4P2b)
What is pitch?
This means that there is less of something. When there isn’t rain for a long time, there is a lack of water. (S4L1d)
What is scarcity?
This is liquid water that forms on objects outside in the morning or evening. Water vapor in the air condenses on the objects, like car windows and grass. This is a form of condensation. (S4E3e)
What is dew?
This is a simple machine that uses a flat surface to help raise or lower a load. These spread the amount of force required to lift a load over a distance. A wheelchair ramp is an example of this. (S4P3a)
What is an inclined plane?
Compared to stars, these are very small. If the Sun were the size of a basketball, the largest one of these in our Solar System, Jupiter, would be the size of a table tennis ball. Earth would be the size of a small pea. (S4E1b)
What are the planets?
This is a clear object that refracts light as the light moves through it. As light moves through a this, the different colors slow down at different speeds. This makes the colors separate from the light. The light comes out of this object broken down into bands of color. (S4P1c)
What is a prism?
This is an adaptation that also increases the animal’s or plant’s chances of survival. This is the way an animal or a plant can look like another animal or plant. Some insects look like sticks and leaves. This helps the insects hide from the animals that eat them. (S4L2a)
What is Mimicry?
This is a tool that is used to show and measure the change in air pressure. If the air pressure stays the same, the weather will usually stay the same. When the air pressure goes up a lot or goes down a lot, the weather will change. (S4E4a, c)
What is a barometer?
This is a rate that describes the distance an object can or will move over a set amount of time. A car can move on a road at 50 miles per hour. At that rate the car will move 50 miles in one hour and 100 miles in two hours. This does not describe the direction an object moves. (S4P3b)
What is speed?
As Earth revolves around the Sun, it rotates on its axis. This rotation creates the ___ and ____ cycle. Earth rotates from west to east. This is why the Sun appears to rise in the east and set in the west. (S4E2a)
What is the day and night cycle?
These are the waves that carry vibrations through gases, liquids, and solids. Someone shouting is an example of sound moving through a gas. When you knock on a door, the vibration your hand creates is heard on the other side of the door. Submarines use these in the water to find things. (S4P2a)
What is sound waves?
This is an animal that hunts other animals to get its energy. Some of these animals eat only animals that are alive. Other of these animals will eat animals that are alive or dead. They can be as small as insects. They can be as big as whales. (S4L1b)
What is a predator?
When people talk about this, they talk about the average of weather conditions in an area over a long time. To compare the two, think about the temperature. The average temperature in Georgia is about 39°F in January. This is an example of the this in Georgia. (S4E4d)
What is climate?
This is a simple machine made up of a rope or a chain guided around a wheel or an axle. They change the direction of a force. In some situations when more than one of these are used, it is also possible to change the amount of force required to move an object. (S4P3a)
What is a pulley?
This is the pattern a group of stars makes as seen from Earth. The stars that form this pattern are not connected by gravity. These patterns are often named after objects they look like. The Big Dipper is a pattern that looks like a ladle used to dip into liquids. (S4E1a, c)
What is a constellation?
This occurs when light moves through something. The light slows down and bends as it moves. Look at your hand through a glass of water. The shape of your hand will appear to change. (S4P1c)
What is refraction?
All ecosystems have a _____. This means there are enough resources for the populations of plants and animals that live in the ecosystem. If there is too little of a resource, the plants and animals that need that resource will have problems. The plants in an area that does not get enough water will stop growing. The animals that eat those plants will not have enough food. If there is too much of a resource, there are also problems. If there is too much water, the plants might die. The animals that eat those plants will need to find something else to eat. (S4L1d)
What is balance?
This is the process that moves water above, below, and around Earth in a cycle. It has four main stages: evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and collection. Evaporation happens when the Sun heats up liquid water and causes it to evaporate. The water vapor, which is a gas, then rises up into the atmosphere. Water vapor forms clouds as it cools. This cooling is known as condensation. The clouds then release the water as precipitation, in the form of rain, snow, sleet and freezing rain, and hail. As the water runs off, it is collected into the ground and bodies of water. The Sun then heats the liquid water up, causing it to evaporate, and it starts all over again. (S4E3d)
What is the water cycle?
This is a force that causes all objects around Earth to fall toward the ground. (S4P3d)
What is gravity?
The Moon appears to change shape because of these. This term refers to how much of the Moon is lit and visible from Earth. During the new part, the Moon is between Earth and the Sun. This means that sunlight is lighting up the side of the Moon facing away from Earth. From our position on Earth, the Moon is not lit at all. This is known as a new Moon. Fourteen days later, the Moon has revolved around Earth. Earth is now between the Sun and the Moon. When light from the Sun lights up the side of the Moon facing Earth, we see a full Moon. Each day throughout the twenty-eight cycle, a little more or a little less of the Moon is lit. (S4E2b)
What is the phases of the moon?
This means to curve inward. A ____ lens is thinner in the middle than at the top and bottom. Light that moves through a this lens is directed away from the center of the lens. this lens spreads light out. (S4P1c)
What is a concave lens?