What type of function describes the position of an object undergoing SMH?
What is the unit for pressure?
Same pressure
What month is my birthday?
A pendulum oscillates with a frequency of 80 bpm. What is the period?
0.75 s
When the kinetic energy of SMH is maximum, what can be said about the potential energy?
If I keep the same force, will there be more pressure if I push with my palm or one finger?
Name two quantities that are conserved as we consider fluids moving through a pipe.
Flow rate and energy.
What team is currently number one in the CFP?
A pendulum oscillates. If the pendulum is replaced by another with twice the mass AND twice the length, what happens to the period?
1.4x bigger
If a pendulum oscillates with a period of 1 second, what is the approximate length?
0.25 m
A 36 N force acts on a 3 cm sided square. What is the pressure?
40 kPa
A pipe constricts from a radius of 3r to 2 r. What will happen to the velocity of the water?
it will be 2.25 times faster.
What color was the gun in Duck Hunt?
A spring oscillates with a period of 0.5 seconds. If the spring constant is made 2 times larger, and the mass is halved, what is the new period?
0.25 s
A spring oscillates with a position function that can be described as x = 0.5 cos(4pi t). What is the amplitude and period of this spring?
0.5 m and 0.5 s
A diver is 3 m deep in a pool of water (density of 1000 kg/m3 ).What pressure do they feel?
30 kPa
A steel ball of radius 0.215 m and mass of 81.6 kg, rests on a scale at the bottom of a pool of water (density 1000 kg/m3 ). What will the scale read as the mass?
40 kg
Why are there so many songs about rainbows? Tell me two artists that sing one.
Judy Garland, Kermit the Frog, etc.
A 100 N/m spring has a 0.2 kg mass attached. If it is put into motion, with an amplitude of 50 cm, what will be the frequency?
3.56 hz
A 0.4 kg pendulum has an energy of 5 J. At a given moment, its speed is found to be 4 m/s. What is its height at that point?
0.45 m
A box of heigh 1 m, is 0.55 m submerged when floating in water (density 1000 kg/m3). What is the density of the box?
550 kg/m3
20 kPa
What state produces the most cheese in America?