True or False, a lot of people smoke cigarettes
False, a small minority of people actually smoke cigarettes
True or false, drinking beer and wine is okay since there isn't a lot of alcohol in them.
False, Drinking beer or wine can still have negative effects since they do still contain alcohol.
How many chemicals are in a the marijuana plant?
Over 400 chemicals
It is hard to quit smoking.
Reality, this is because you become dependent on the nicotine in cigarettes.
What is the legal age for drinking, smoking and using marijuana?
What is the cost of smoking cigarettes per year if the average cost of a pack of cigarettes is $8.00?
What is alcohol?
A drug that is in beverages such as beer, wine, and liquor.
What percentage of high school seniors have smoked at least once throughout the last year?
Organic/natural cigarettes and e-cigarettes are healthier than regular ones.
Myth, they all have similar negative effects on your body.
Is alcohol a stimulant or depressant?
What percentage of high school seniors have smoked cigarettes at least one time during last month?
What are the 4 different pattern/types of drinking?
Abstinence, ritual drinking, social drinking, problem/compulsive drinking
THC has been found to stay in the body for as long as ____________
1 month
Alcohol is not a drug.
Myth, any substance that you put in your body that alters the way your body functions and feels is considered a drug i.e. Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Advil are also drugs.
True or false, alcohol is a bigger problem than drugs.
What are 4 effects that smoking has on your body?
Bad breath, lung cancer, emphysema, makes it harder to breath, cough, causes wrinkles, etc.
What does small amounts of alcohol do to the body? (Name 2)
Slows down ability to think clearly, can cause people to make poor decisions, and can cause people to feel more daring or outgoing than normal.
What are the 5 reasons people have for trying Marijuana?
Coping, Maturity, pleasurable effects, peer pressure, curiosity
Fewer people smoke Marijuana than those that smoke cigarettes.
Reality, the vast majority of teens and adults are nonusers.
When you are around someone who is smoking and introduced to secondhand smoke you become...
Involuntary smoker
What are the 2 parts of secondhand smoke?
The smoke exhaled from the smoker, and the smoke from the lighted tip of the cigarette (side stream smoke)
What does large amounts of alcohol do to the body? (Name 3)
Slows down areas of the brain and nervous system, dizziness and decrease coordination, can make it harder to speak, walk, and stay awake, and can pass out or temporarily lose memory.
What are the three parts of the endocannabinoid system?
Enzymes, cell receptors, and endocannabinoids
The chemical in Marijuana that has the ability to intoxicate users is called CBD.
Myth, the psychoactive ingredient is called THC. (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol)
Is there more, less, or the same amount of alcohol in one 1.5 oz glass of liquor as there is in one 5 oz glass of wine or one 12 oz glass of beer?
Same alcohol concentration.