Breast feeding
2nd and 3rd hand smoke
Quitting and coping

Smoking relieves stress?

False:  Our bodies become accustomed to the regular does of nicotine and feel on edge without it. Nicotine actually makes the heart beat faster, breathing sepped up and blood pressure increase.

Remember that a smoker who smokes to relieve stress will need to replace the smoking with something else to de-stress.


How can I reduce the effects of smoking when I breastfeed?

Breastfeed before you smoke.

Smoke outside your home and car.

Wash your hands and take off your smoking clothes.

Keep ashtrays away from baby.

Ask people not to smoke around you and your baby.


How can second-hand smoke be reduced in the home and car?

Lots of ways.

Set up an area outside for smokers to use.

Post a smoke-free magnet or sign on your front door so people know that you do not allow smoking inside.

Remove all ashtrays from your home.

It is against the law in MB to smoke in vehicles with children under 16 years of age.


Marijuana is a natural substance.  Is it safe during pregnancy?

No. There are many natural plants that are dangerous, like poison ivy.

Marijuana contains a chemical call THC.

THC crosses from the placenta of the mother to the fetus. It affects: brain chemistry, thinking skills, mental health and behavior of children exposed to it.

Smoking lowers the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the baby. It can cause premature birth, miscarriage or stillbirth.


Why is nicotine so addictive?

Nicotine causes a chemical dependence. Without it smokers experience unpleasant symptoms. 

Nicotine releases a chemical in the brain (dopamine) that creates a feeling of relaxation.

Between cigarettes, the level of dopamine drops causing withdrawal symptoms like irritability, anxiety or tension.

The longer you smoke the more nicotine your body needs to cause dopamine release. This is often why the amount you smoke increases over time.


Are "light" or low-tar cigarettes safer in pregnancy?


Light cigarettes are just as harmful as regular cigarettes;

Smokers change their smoking pattern to get the nicotine their body is used to;

They smoke more cigarettes, take larger puffs and inhale deeply to get the same amount of nicotine.


Breastfeeding is best for my baby but I started smoking again.  Should I switch to formula?

No.  Keep breastfeeding!  It helps protect your baby from respiratory infections.

Respiratory infections are more common in babies exposed to 2nd and 3rd hand smoke.

Breastfeed your baby. Smoke outside and away from baby.

Be proud that you are still breastfeeding.


Does smoking in another room reduce second hand smoke?

No.  Smoke travels through vents and under doors.

Poisonous chemicals from smoke also cling to carpet, curtains, furniture and other materials.  They remain in a room long after someone has smoked there.  This is call third hand smoke. 


Can marijuana be passed to a baby through breastmilk?

Yes. It passes into breastmilk.

When a breastfeeding mother smokes a joint, THC builds up in the breastmilk.

THC can stay in the baby's body for 2 to 3 weeks after the mother smoked the joint.

Marijuana can contain other substances that can harm baby.


How long do withdrawal symptoms last and what can help?

The withdrawal symptoms are strongest in the first few days but usually go away by the 4th week.

For those who suffer from intense withdrawal symptoms there are many treatments available to help: nicotine replacers (patch, gum, inhaler and lozenge).

Prescription medications: to reduce withdrawal symptoms or pleasure effects of cigarettes.

Alternative treatments: laser therapy, acupuncture and hypnosis.


Will it hurt me or my baby if I quit "cold turkey"?

No.  Quitting cold turkey is safe.

Your baby will get more air immediately.

The risk of miscarriage, premature labour and birth complications will fall.

It is one of the best things you can do for yourself and your baby while you're pregnant.


I know a woman who quit smoking and gained 15 pounds! Can weight gain be prevented?


1 in 5 people who quit smoking don't gain any weight.

Be physically active before and after you quit.

Being more active after quitting will help prevent weight gain.  It is also a good distraction to help stay smoke free.

If you find yourself having snacks as a substitute for a cigarette, choose veggies!


Why is third-hand smoke more harmful to babies?

Babies take in 20 times more third-hand smoke than adults.

This is because babies:

*breathe faster than adults

*swallow dust when they crawl on floors or put their hands in their mouths.


Is second-hand smoke from a joint dangerous for a baby?


Marijuana smoke contains many of the same cancer-causing substances as tobacco smoke.

Some of the health risks of marijuana smoke include: ear infections, more frequent and severe asthma attacks, respiratory symptoms (coughing, sneezing, shortness of breath), respiratory infections (bronchitis, pneumonia), greater risk for SIDS, cancer.


Can I get addicted to nicotine gum or patches?

Very rare.

Nicotine absorbed through the skin or stomach is not as addictive as inhaled nicotine. It is much easier to stop these treatments over time.

Nicotine alone is not as dangerous as all the other toxic chemicals in cigarette smoke.


I'm pregnant.  What can I do to get my partner to stop smoking?

First find out if your partner wants to quit.

If yes be supportive.

Help set a quit date.

Decide on a plan for dealing with cravings.

Ask if there's anything else you can do to help.

If your partner is not ready, you can't change that but you can agree that smoking happens outside.


Are most people successful in quitting the first try?


If someone has been unsuccessful in quitting encourage them to keep trying. 


Can an air freshener or air filter reduce secong-hand smoke?


Air fresheners only cover the smell of smoke;

Air filters do not remove the gases in smoke that cause cancer;

They are useless for this.


Can babies become addicted to marijuana?


Some babies exposed to marijuana in pregnancy experience withdrawal symptoms such as shaking and excessive high-pitched crying after birth.


How can I quit and still have time for myself or be around my friends who smoke?

Replace the time spent smoking with other things you like: take a bath, read a book, do an exercise video. Instead of going outside for a smoke go for a walk.

Quitting smoking does not mean you quit your friends. In the beginning you may want to meet your friends in a non-smoking place like a coffee shop. When you are ready try meeting in a more familiar place without smoking.


What are some tips to stay smoke-free after baby is born and to manage stress?

Self-care and support.

Find things to relax you (soft music, hot bath, brisk walk, reading or try relaxation exercises like deep breathing or tension releasing.)

Call the smokers help line.

Talk to someone else who has quit to help you through the hard times.


Are candy-flavored or menthol cigarettes less harmful than regular cigarettes?


They all have the same level of nicotine.

Flavored cigarettes soften the harsh taste but they are as addictive and poisonous as any tobacco.


What can you say to an adult family member who will not go outside to smoke?

Say you just want to make baby safe.

You are not criticizing them.

Explain that protecting baby from second hand smoke reduces rates of asthma, ear infections and SIDS. Explain that baby breathes the smoke, gets less air.

Try the gentle support of other family members. 


Can I smoke a joint to help relieve nausea and vomiting in pregnancy?

No. It doesn't work and is dangerous to baby.

Smoking marijuana does not relieve vomiting when pregnant. As for nausea, the risks to baby in the long run are too dangerous compared to any short term nausea relief.

Speak with your healthcare provider about safe ways to deal with nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. There are safe medications and lifestyle changes that can help.


How much money can I save if I quit smoking?

Between 1 to 3 million dollars in a lifetime.

1 pack a day @$15 each=$5400 savings a year on cigarettes.

However with inflation the savings is over 1 million dollars in a lifetime.

But if that money is invested, the saving becomes over 3 million dollars!
