The addictive substance in cigarette smoke
Causes rotten teeth and mouth sores
What part of the body does the tar from smoke attach to?
The lungs
What type of communication are you using when you stand up for yourself in a respectful way?
Wearing headphones for even just an hour increases bacteria growth by this much
700 times
The way cigarette smoke enters the body
Smokeless tobacco is placed in this part of the mouth
Between the teeth and lip
What are two other part of the body where the harmful effects of tobacco can take place?
Mouth and throat
What are some ways to reduce stress instead of using drugs?
Exercise, breathing exercises, laughter, hobbies, reading, etc.
This is where a shrimps heart is
In its head
The chemical in cigarette smoke that stains teeth
This is one of the dangerous chemicals that can be found in smoking tobacco
Carbon Monoxide
This can sometimes speak louder than someones words
Body Language or Actions
Almonds belong to this fruit family
Another name for cancer causing chemicals
Needing more of a drug for the same effect
Irritated bronchi that causes more coughing and mucus secretions
Good stress that motivates us to study and have improved athletic performances
Positive stress
A cat has this many muscles in each ear
Dangerous chemicals in cigarette smoke inhaled by non-smokers
Thickened, white spots in the mouth where dip is held
A disease when someone coughs up mucus and has a hard time breathing
You can use these techniques when you are in a situation of conflict and need to avoid it.
Quick Fixes
Most people fall asleep in this amount of time
7 minutes