Samanthas favorite genre of movies?
Nobody puts baby in the corner
Dirty Dancing
Naomi's first word was?
The most accurate thermometer to take a newborns temperature with?
Rectal Thermometer
Micahs favorite genre of movies?
Samanthas favorite food? (not type but speicifc food)
Hasta la vista, baby
Terminator 2 (terminator is fine)
What is Naomi currently obssessed with? She brings this with her everywhere?
Her baby doll.
This is placeed above a baby's crib to provide visual stimulation using hanging toys.
Micahs favorite type of food (asian, indian, american, mexican, italian)
What is Samantha most excited to eat after birth? That you cant eat while pregnant...
Sushi (Tuna and Salmon)
3 bachalores find themselves unexpectedly responsible for a baby girl left on their doorstep
What is something Naomi LOVES that is only outside. She points to this everytime she sees one?
Convertible car seat.
Whats the number 1 thing Micah wants to teach Naomi and Raif when theyre old enough?
What did Samantha want to be when she grew up when she was young?
Alex Baldwin is the voice of the baby in this movie
How old was Naomi when mommy got the positive pregancy test? Answer in Months.
13 months.
Suctions snot from baby's nose.
Nasal aspirator
What did Micah want to be when he grew up when he was young?
A car mechanic
What product has Samantha not been able to use due to the fact shes been pregnant or breastfeeding the last 3 years?
Retinol :( points for anyone who said a skincare product
In this movie, the moms best friend and the dads best freind were left to raise their baby together after they died in a car accident.
Life as we knew it
How much did Naomi weigh at birth? EXACT ounces not rounded.
8 pounds 9.8 ounces
On average, how many diapers will a baby go throuh from birth to potty training?
Around 8,000
Micahs biggest pet peeve
Driving in traffic, specifically driving in Denver traffic.