Testable Questions and Hypothesis
Data and Communication

What is the first step in investigating?

asking a question


What do you always use when you observe something?

your senses


Bar graphs, charts, tables, drawings, and diagrams are all examples of which part of an experiment?



What does it mean to communicate with other scientists?

to share ideas and information


True or False?

Two people can make the same observation but infer something different.



True or False

Your hypothesis must always be correct. 



A student wants to know how baby robins learn to fly. She observes a family of robins outside her window. She records what she sees in her science journal. What things would she include in her journal?

words that describe the robins

drawings of the robins

photos of the robins


The table below shows a city's rainfall in four different months. 

Month                Amount of Rain (in centimeters)

March                              3 

April                                4

May                                 4

June                                5

During which month did the city get the most rain?



Alyssa wants to test how water temperature changes the time it takes sugar to dissolve. She adds sugar to 4 different cups of water and records the time it takes for each to dissolve. What should be different for each cup?

type of sugar, amount of water, temperature of water, amount of sugar



Which statement is an inference?

The frog is searching for food.

The frog is swimming in water.

The frog has four legs and no tail.

The frog is swimming without making a sound. 

The frog is searching for food. 


The third graders are trying to find out if the mass of gum increases or decreases after being chewed. Before beginning the investigation, students came up with a prediction of what they thought would happen and the reason why. What is this part of the investigation called?



A third grade class observes the weather conditions outside of their classroom for one month. They measure the air temperature and rainfall. What are the observations a scientist could record in their data notebook?

the temperature and the amount of rain


What does it mean when scientists communicate?

Share ideas and information

(Other answers may apply)


Which statement is true?

a. Models are always the same size as in real life. 

b. Models are always made of the same materials as in real life. 

c. Models look exactly like what they are in real life. 

d. Models make it easier to study how things work.

d. Models make it easier to study how things work. 


You see a trail of ants going toward a slice of bread. What can you infer?

They are hungry. 

They smell the bread. 

They want to eat the bread. 


I noticed when I was outside the gardenias were blooming and healthy but the gardenias were wilted. I observed that the roses were in direct sunlight but the gardenias were in the shade. These observations made me think of a question I could investigate. What question could that be?

Does the amount of sunlight affect the health of the plant? 

(anything similar)


Read the situation below and select all of the observations. 

(a) I see clouds in the sky. (b)Some of the could are dark colored and some of the clouds are white. (c)The wind is blowing. (d) The temperature feels like it is getting cooler. (e) I think it is going to rain. (f) My little brother thinks we are going to have a hurricane. (g) My mom says we might lose our power. 

a, b, c, d


When you analyze data, what do you do?

study the data to figure out what it means


Why is a globe an example of a good model?

A globe is an example of a good model, because it is a smaller version of the earth. It allows scientists to study all the details of the earth.

You see a blue sweatshirt. It is lying on a sidewalk outside of your school. What inference can you make about the sweatshirt based on your observations?

A student at the school lost it. 

(Other inferences may apply)


I have 3 pots with different amounts of water in each pot. I am going to turn the stove on at the same time and each pot will be heat on the same temperature. I will time how long it takes for each pot to boil What question am I trying to investigate?

Will the amount of water increase or decrease the amount of time it takes for the water to boil?


Jose and his friends are playing in a neighborhood park.  They observe an ant colony building its home near the swing set.  Each of the children write down observations in their journals and share these observations with one another.  Which of the following actions do Jose and his friends perform?

  F. recording observations and communicating data

  G. designing a procedure and gathering materials

  H. forming a hypothesis and drawing conclusions

  J.asking questions and drawing conclusions


Why is it important for scientists to communicate their results?

a. to brag about what they discovered

b. to see what other scientists have discovered

c. to deepen understanding of what has been discovered

d. both b and c

e. none of the above



True or False

Models perfectly match the real object. 



You notice yellow leaves on the classroom plant. What can you infer?

The plant needs sunlight. 

(Other inferences may apply)
