Academic Vocab
The Breakaway
Context Clues
clues that hint at what will happen later
What is a foreshadowing?

So he ran with the ball like the hounds were chasing him.

This simile means...

What is the narrator ran very quickly with the ball.


Ever since he lost his job as a highly paid tester at the candy factory, Tommy has been MOROSE.  

Morose means

What is depressed?


Mr. Thomas sat on the front porch of his house in a bathrobe and bunny slippers with his head in his hands. He was holding the daily newspaper. The sun shined brightly in the sky. His neighbors were coming out of their houses and getting in their cars. Mr. Thomas sighed. His neighbor Mr. Rosencrantz stepped out on his porch and saw Mr. Thomas. "Did it again, huh?" said Mr. Rosencrantz. Mr. Thomas replied, "Yep." Mr. Rosencrantz chuckled and said, "Here, Mr. Thomas, you can use my cell phone. I could even keep a key over here if you wanted." Tom thankfully grabbed the cell phone and called his wife. "Honey, I did it again." 

The "it" in "Honey, I did it again"

What is locking himself out from the house/leaving the keys in the house?

a way of speaking that is characteristic of a certain geographical area or a certain group of people
What is dialect?
a figure of speech in which an object or animal is spoken of as it had human feelings, thoughts or attitudes
What is personification?

The purpose of the first paragraph

What is to let the reader know why Justin played basketball so much and its importance? 


Be careful. If you question the commander in the slightest way, he will perceive that to be a sign of IMPUDENCE and order you to clean the toilets with a toothbrush.

Impudence means

What is disrespect?


Mr. Ericson was a manager at a small insurance company in Minnesota. One cold winter day, April McKenzie, one of his employees, approached him about some time off from work. "This job is very important to me, Mr. Ericson, but I've been called into jury duty. When my government asks for my help, I have to answer the call." Mr. Ericson rubbed his forehead. "We really need you here, April, but the government needs you more. Take the time. We'll be alright." Mr. Ericson had thought that they needed her there at the office, but they managed fine without her. When April returned a week later, Mr. Ericson noticed that most of her skin was bright shade of red except for around her eyes. Pale white circles ran from the top of her eyebrows to the bottom of her cheeks. These pale circles were surrounded by sunburned flesh. That's when Mr. Ericson knew. "April, step into my office. There are some things we need to discuss," Mr. Ericson said ominously.

April went

What is on a vacation?

people, places, or events that have meaning in themselves but that also stand for something beyond themselves
What are symbols?

when a narrative is interrupted by events in the past to give the reader a better understanding of what is happening in the present

What is flashback?


The foreshadoiwing in the 1st paragraph predicts what conflict from the story (be specific to the story)

What is Justin getting injured and not being able to play basketball anymore?


Clyde could no longer tolerate the DERISION of his classmates, who would refer to him by no other name than Potty-Pants Clyde, so he transferred schools.

Derision means

What is teasing, mockery?


Gloria was driving around the neighborhood in her pajamas. Every block or so she'd stop the car, hold her head out of the door, whistle, and call out "Candy! Candy! Come here girl!" Then she'd start the car again and slowly drive another block or two, looking around from left to right. Curtis sat in the passenger seat. He was looking around too, but he held his head low. "How many times have I told you to make sure that you shut and lock the door after you come in?" Gloria reprimanded Curtis. Curtis sighed. He felt bad enough without her finger-wagging.

Candy is

What is the family pet?

occurs when we say on thing and mean something else
What is verbal irony?

When you draw a conclusion based on information you know and information given by the text

What is an inference?


The purpose of the flashback in this narrative

What is to explain what happened to Justin and how he was able to leave his neighborhood?


John could not focus on the assignment with the INCESSANT chatting that was occurring all around him.

Incessant means...

What is continuous?


Justin came running down the stairs wearing his Tatakai Ninjas pajamas. He did a karate kick off of the last step and shouted "Kiya!" He slipped on the floor and almost fell as he landed, which didn't stop him from continuing to practice his ninja strikes on his way to the bathroom. He brushed his teeth with his Tatakai Ninjas toothbrush and rinsed his mouth out with water from a Tatakai Ninjas cup. "Moooooom, Daaaaad! It's time to open my present!" After his parents came downstairs and poured themselves coffee, Justin began to open his present. His fingers were tense with excitement. Then they were still. It was six pairs of plain white socks. Justin checked in the box for something else. There was nothing. He looked at his parents and said, "Oh, socks. Just what I needed. Thank you so much," and then he sighed.

Justin felt ___ after opening his gift.

What is disappointed?


Axel was the toughest kid on the playground. He wore a leather jacket with cutoff sleeves and metal studs on the shoulders. He had a Mohawk hairstyle, listened to punk rock music, and hung out with the older kids. He rode his skateboard to school and did noseslides on the bike rack. He viscously beat anyone who challenged him. Yet, after a long day of being really tough, Axel's mommy tucked him into bed at night. Then he snuggled up tightly with a fluffy pink bear that he called Mr. Tickles.

This an example of which irony 

What is situational irony?


In medias res is one technique for this

What is nonlinear plot structure?


The last thing that Justin had to do to get into the college of his choice was score well on the ACT.   Well wouldn’t you know it?  Using the study skills Justin had ACQUIRED from his sister, Justin scored a 24 on the ACT.  That’s not the highest score a person can get, but it was high enough for Justin.  Now he had his academic game together. 

The meaning of acquired

What is to gain, to learn?


Several houses on Larry's block had been foreclosed years ago. With no concerned homeowners to maintain these properties, these houses have fallen into various states of DILAPIDATION.

Dilapidation means....

What is needing repairs?


Michael was the star quarterback of the football team and he was dating Amanda Barnes, the captain of the cheerleading squad. Everything was going perfectly for them until Michael was seriously injured during one of the last games of the season. The doctors told him that he would probably never play football again and that he would have to wear a large cast on his leg for several months. Amanda stayed really close with Michael immediately after the injury, but then she started to change. She would not visit him often. She would not wait by his locker or help him carry his books to class anymore. Also, he noticed that she was talking more and more with Ken Madsen, the new quarterback. This upset Michael greatly. Then one day Amanda told him that she and Michael needed to have a talk after school. Michael did not like the sound of that.

This "talk" will be about

What is Amanda wanting to break up with Michael?


When Angela asked her mother if she could go to the party, her mother said that she could not.  So Angela asked her father, who said that she could.  She then played her parents off one another until she got her way.  Angela enjoyed herself at the party.

Angela's personality is this...

What is manipulative?
