Why do you only use fabric scissors on fabric?
You want the fabric scissors to be super sharp.
What is the simplest way to put out a stove fire?
You cover it up with a lid or backing sheet.
Why do you turn it sideways?
You do it to save fabric.
What do you do after covering the fire?
You turn down the heat
Why do you cut it twice?
You want one for the front and one for the back.
How should you hold a knife or sharp tool?
You hold it by the handle blade down
How many times do you stitch through the eye?
You stitch through it three times
Why is it a good idea to use Kitchen scissors?
You use it because it is easier than using a knife
When you stitch the loop how many times do you go through the loop?
You go through it two times.
Spills and water should be kept away from?
Electric things and cleaned up immdiately