what are the 3 names people use to refer to my saint?
hvad er de 3 navne folk bruger til at henvise til min helgen
hvad er hovedstaden i tyrkiet
what is the capital city of turkey
Hvem er den canadiske R&B-sangerinde kendt for sin blanding af pop og R&B og har hits som "Work" og "Diamonds"?
Who is the Canadian R&B singer known for her mix of pop and R&B and having hits like "Work" and "Diamonds"?
What countries were harry potter filmed in
hvilken land blev harry potter filmet i
England, Skotland, og Wales. (UK)
Dette flags design består af tre lige lodrette striber i farverne sort, rød og gul. Hvilket land?
This flag's design consists of three straight vertical stripes in the colors black, red and yellow. Which country?
tyskland Germany
when was my saint alive ( what century)
hvornår var min helgen i live (hvilket århundrede)
the 4th century
det 4. århundrede
What is the longest river in the world?/
Hvad er den længste flod i verden?
The Nile River/
What is the name of the famous music festival held annually in Indio, California? /
Hvad er navnet på den berømte musikfestival, der afholdes årligt i Indio, Californien
Hvilken film er den mest set i verden i 2023?
Which movie is the most watched in the world in 2023?
Avatar 2: The Way of Water
hovedretten for dette land er koshary hvilket land er det ?
the main dish for this country is koshary which country is it?
hvad hed mine helliges forældre
what were the names of my saints parents
Abbouna Yoannis
Hvilket land har flest naboer i verden?
Which country has the most neighbors in the world?
Hvem er den populære popstjerne kendt som "Queen of Pop", der har hits som "Hung Up" og "Like a Prayer"?
Who is the popular pop star known as the "Queen of Pop" who has hits like "Hung Up" and "Like a Prayer"?
Hvilket år blev Berlinmuren revet ned?
What year was the Berlin Wall torn down?
Dette land ligger i det nordlige Europa og er kendt for sine flotte bjerge, vikinger, polarlyset (Aurora) og forfatteren Hans Christian Andersen. Hvad er navnet på dette land?
This country is located in northern Europe and is known for its beautiful mountains, Vikings, the Northern Lights (Aurora) and the author Hans Christian Andersen. What is the name of this country?
Norway/ Norge
my saint is a model for 3 main features what are they
min helgen er en model for 3 hovedtræk hvad er de
Purity, Courage & Perseverance in suffering
Renhed, mod og udholdenhed i lidelse
Hvilket land grænser op til både Atlanterhavet og Stillehavet?/
Which country borders both the Atlantic and Pacific oceans?
Hvilket af Kanye Wests album vandt en Grammy for "Best Rap Album" i 2011?
Which of Kanye West's albums won a Grammy for "Best Rap Album" in 2011?
My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy
what is an American Christmas drink traditionally drunk on christmas eve?
hvad er en amerikansk juledrik, der traditionelt drikkes juleaften?
Dette land har en lang historie, der daterer sig tilbage til oldtiden, og det er kendt for sine ikoniske bygninger som Akropolis i Athen og de antikke ruiner i Delphi. Hvad er navnet på dette land?
This country has a long history dating back to ancient times and is known for its iconic buildings such as the Acropolis of Athens and the ancient ruins of Delphi. What is the name of this country?
hvad gjorde de med min helgens krop
what did they do with my saint's body
de bygger en kirke oven på kroppen
they build a church over the body
Hvad er den mindste selvstændige nation i verden efter areal?
What is the smallest independent nation in the world by area?
Vatikanstaten. /
Vatican City.
Hvad er det fulde navn på den amerikanske R&B-sanger, sangskriver og producer kendt som Frank Ocean?
What is the full name of the American R&B singer, songwriter and producer known as Frank Ocean?
Christopher Edwin Breaux.
Denne unge svenske klimaaktivist blev kendt over hele verden for sin skolestrejke for klimaet og sine taler ved FN og andre internationale fora. hvem er hun?
This young Swedish climate activist became known worldwide for her school strike for the climate and her speeches at the UN and other international forums. who is she ?
Greta Thunberg
Dette land ligger i Sydamerika og er hjemsted for den berømte Machu Picchu, en gammel inka-by beliggende på en bjergtop. Det er også kendt for sine farverige tekstiler og høje bjerge. Hvad er navnet på dette land?
This country is located in South America and is home to the famous Machu Picchu, an ancient Inca city located on a mountain top. It is also known for its colorful textiles and high mountains. What is the name of this country