(Employment Benefits)

(Leave of Absence Benefits)
(Lifestyle Benefits)

(Disability & Paid Leave Benefits)
(Leave of Absence Process)

TRUE or FALSE: The District's contribution for an employee will not vest until the employee completes three (3) years of service with the District (as calculated under the terms of the 401(k)-plan document)

What is TRUE


This federal leave type entitles eligible employees to take unpaid, job-protected leave for specific family and medical conditions.

What is FMLA (Family & Medical Leave Act)


Employees may use this type of benefit to be paid while away from work for rest and relaxation

What is vacation time


These types of benefit pay are available to an employee for an emergency or planned surgery or medical procedure

What is disability (STD or State) benefits


The District may require a release to return to work for any sick or medical leave that exceeds _____consecutive working days

What is five (5) 


This benefit provides medical expenses, lost wages, and rehab costs to employees who are injured or become ill in the course of their job

What is Workers’ Compensation benefits


This benefit allows regular full-time or part-time employees to attend a full-time educational or vocational training program with the intent of further developing District job-related skills. Such leave may be granted for a maximum of one year

What is Educational Leave


What is the number of days of PTO provided for new employees?

What is 21?


An employee may supplement Short-Term Disability (STD) benefits by using what type of pay benefit(s)

What is Paid Time Off (PTO), Vacation or Compensatory Time  


When the request for leave is reasonably foreseeable, employees should give the District how much written notice? 

What is at least 30 days


DAILY DOUBLE: This holiday was recently added to the District's Paid Holiday Calendar

What is Juneteenth 


You must be out for 3 consecutive days (or be admitted to the hospital) to use what benefit?

What is Extended Sick Leave (ESL)


What times throughout the year can an employee change their benefits?

What is during Open Enrollment or for a Qualifying Life Event (i.e. marriage, divorce, birth, reduction in hours, etc.)


Under the Short-Term Disability (STD) program, the employee may recieve _______ percent of their regular base wages , after the employee exhausts all available sick leave or extended sick leave benefits

What is 50 (%)


Employees who are off work as a result of caring for a spouse, parent or child, parent-in-law or grandparent who has a serious health condition, medical emergency or requires supervision or treatment may be required to complete what form

What is Request for Leave Form (No. 1058)


What kind of process is necessary for an employer to go through in order to help an employee find a work accommodation under the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act)

What is the "interactive" process?


TRUE or FALSE: Sick Leave and Extended Sick Leave are available for use while on any Personal Leave of Absence.

What is FALSE


This benefit allows you to set aside money (tax-free) to pay for child care expenses

What is dependent care flexible spending account (FSA)


DAILY DOUBLE: Under what benefits may an employee be able to take 12, 16 or 18 weeks per year of paid leave, depending on the qualifying event

what is Washington Paid Family and Medical Leave


The _____ should be provided within 15 calendar days of the leave notification date or as soon as practicable.

What is the medical certification 


This program allows employees to come to the aid of a fellow employee who is off work due to his/her own or an eligible family member's serious health condition, which is likely to cause the employee to take a countinuous leave without pay or to terminate employment

What is the Leave Sharing Program


Under what program can you take paid time off for bereavement?

What is extended sick leave (ESL) 


The maximum of ____days of PTO can be carried over from one calendar year to another

What is a maximum of sixty (60) days


Beginning July 1, 2023, employers will collect premiums from employees for long-term care insurance under what state program

What is the Washington (WA) Cares Fund


TRUE or FALSE: With the exception of designated key employees of the District, an employee returning from an approved FMLA leave is to be reinstated to the same or an equivalent posititon

What is TRUE
