Who starred in Moana also starred in Mean girls
Hey hey
This character of My little pony served as the protagonist´s best friend and a symbol of shyness
who is fluttershy
bonus points: Who is Rarity
Stan plays this hilarious prank after one of the kids accidentally lets his secret slip
shaves Tylers head
Alexa and Katie is mainly based around trying to get over the breakup of Alexa and dylan. What accessory does alexa try to get to avoid her true feelings about not getting his good morning texts every morning from her now ex boyfriend?
A Tiara
Danny DeVito starred as this temperamental shrew that just might be barking up the RIGHT environmentalist tree
who is the Lorax
This hero never got the girl of his dreams in the legacy show: miraculous shorts
Chat Noir
Famous actor becky from full house went to jail for this reason alone
Have mercy
Who is the most text Savvy person in The croods
Guy´s Dad
BJ Novak starred as Ryan in the office. Who was Ryan's secret crush at the office?
it was Nelly
Liv and maddie has a guest star who has the famous catchphrase ¨Who can cathy can can¨ What is liv´s personal spin on this catchphrase
Who lives, livey liv lives
What secret does Judy tell Gideon Gray in the extended scenes
what is I know a thing or two about being a jerk
Who would you pick if you were sky in ¨The lodge¨
bonus points: josh
Who was the real hero in the movie ¨The Trap ¨
Lady Ravenś biggest fan
Wednesday Addams created a global phenomenon when she wore this to the Golden Globes Award show
a mini skirt
In Harry potter four characters fall in love with the same person. Who is it?
We don´t know yet its coming out in the next book
Who did Darrell from the office bring into the office to try to get him the job of branch manager