Context Clues
Figurative Language
Inferences, Predictions, & Conclusions
Main Idea & Summarizing
Wild Card
Decline: After Gears of Pain 6 came out, the amount of people playing Gears of Pain 5 declined.
What is go down?
This is literally the worst day ever.
What is hyperbole?
Every day after work Paul took his muddy boots off on the steps of the front porch. Alice would have a fit if the boots made it so far as the welcome mat. He then took off his dusty overalls and threw them into a plastic garbage bag; Alice left a new garbage bag tied to the porch railing for him every morning. On his way in the house, he dropped the garbage bag off at the washing machine and went straight up the stairs to the shower as he was instructed. He would eat dinner with her after he was “presentable,” as Alice had often said. What type of job does Paul have?
What is farmer, construction worker, landscaper, etc?
A penny for your thoughts? If it’s a 1943 copper penny, it could be worth as much as fifty thousand dollars. In 1943, most pennies were made out of steel since copper was needed for World War II, so the 1943 copper penny is ultra-rare. Another rarity is the 1955 double die penny. These pennies were mistakenly double stamped, so they have overlapping dates and letters. If it’s uncirculated, it’d easily fetch $25,000 at an auction. Now that’s a pretty penny. Summarize this paragraph in one sentence. Be specific and clearly explain the main idea.
What is rare pennies can be worth lots of money?
The beginning part of the plot diagram
What is the exposition
Yearn: Even though John had a good job and a nice family, he yearned for more.
What is want badly?
"I wandered lonely as a cloud..."
What is a simile?
Today was a special day in Ms. Smith’s class. Some of the children were walking around the room, some of them were standing in small groups, and some of them were at their desks, putting finishing touches on cardboard mailboxes. After coloring a cool flame on the side of his racecar mailbox, Johnny hopped off his chair, strutted over to Veronica’s desk, and dropped a small white envelope into her princess castle mailbox. Veronica blushed and played with her hair. While this was happening, Bartleby was frantically trying to put a small white envelope into everyone’s mailbox. After giving one to Ms. Smith, Bartleby pulled out a medium-sized red envelope from his pocket. He blushed and tried to put it in Veronica’s mailbox, but it wouldn’t quite fit. Bartleby struggled with it for a few seconds and then ran off with the envelope. Veronica rolled her eyes and popped her gum. Why is today a special day?
What is Valentine's Day?
Before you put on that Angry Birds costume and exhaust yourself roving from door to door pandering for candy, take a minute to reflect on the tradition in which you are taking part. Halloween is believed to have come from an ancient Celtic festival dating back some 2,000 years. November 1st was the Celtic New Year and marked the end of summer to the Celts, so they celebrated on its eve by wearing costumes made of animal skins and dancing around bon fires. Over the next two millennia, this primitive celebration grew to be candy fueled costume ball that we know today. Summarize this paragraph in one sentence. Be specific and clearly explain the main idea.
What is Halloween has changed greatly over the years.
What are the parts of a GIST statement?
What are who, what, when, where, why/how?
Vague: She does not communicate with me so I only have a vague idea as to how I can help.
What is not clear, confusing?
"The road was a ribbon of moonlight..."
What is a metaphor?
Kyle ran into his house, slamming the door behind him. He threw his book bag on the floor and plopped onto the couch. After six hours of playing Grand Larceny VII, he ate some pizza and fell asleep with a slice on his stomach and his feet on his book bag. When Kyle came home from school the next day, he was noticeably distraught. He balled up his report card and placed it inside a soup can in the garbage. He then flipped the soup can upside down in the garbage can and arranged loose pieces of trash over it. As he plopped down on the couch, he let out a sigh and picked up his controller. Was Kyle’s report card good or bad and why was it like that?
What is bad, because he is addicted to video games?
Sometime in December of 1891, Dr. James Naismith, a gym teacher at the YMCA College in Springfield, Massachusetts was trying to keep his gym class active on a rainy day. He wanted a vigorous game that would keep his students moving. After rejecting a few other ideas because they were too rough or not suited for the walled-in gym, Naismith wrote out the rules for a game with peach baskets fixed to ten-foot elevated tracks. Naismith’s students played against one another, passing the ball around and shooting it into the peach baskets. Dribbling wasn’t a part of the original game, and it took a while to realize that the game would run more smoothly if the bottoms of the baskets were removed, but this game grew to be one of the most popular sports in America today. Can you guess which one? Summarize this paragraph in one sentence. Be specific and clearly explain the main idea.
What is James Naismith invented basketball, one of the most popular games in the United States?
Name the 3 different 3rd person point of views
What is Limited, Objective and Omniscient
Earnest: Jeremiah joked around so much that when he told the others about the accident that had occurred, they didn’t believe that he was being earnest.
What is honest, truthful?
The babbling brook leaped over the stones.
What is personification?
Ryan was looking forward to sleeping over at his friend Robert's house. Though they had been classmates for a while, the two had only recently become good friends. Ryan packed up his sleeping bag, a pillow, and a few of his favorite toys and games, and then his mom dropped him off at Robert's. Robert met Ryan on the porch and the two did their secret handshake and started playing right away. First they played pirates in Robert's tree fort. Next they played ninjas in the driveway. Then it started getting dark and they went inside of Robert's house. As soon as they walked in the house, Ryan's eyes starting getting red and itchy. He saw a big orange cat sitting on the couch. Then he started sneezing uncontrollably. "I'm sorry, Robert. It's been a lot of fun, but I have to call my mom." Why does Ryan want to call his mother?
What is Ryan is allergic to cats, so he can't stay at Robert's house?
The English were not the first Europeans to land their ships on American soil. The Vikings had discovered North America in the 11th century. Columbus landed in the Bahamas in 1492 for Spain, and the French began expeditions to the New World in 1524. But the first English presence in North America is important because the thirteen English colonies that would later be established eventually became the country now known as the United States of America. Who or what is this passage MAINLY about?
What is the history of Europeans in North America?
AA,BB,CC,DD is called
Rhyme Scheme
Inquiry: When the other moms heard about how Charlene had won the baking contest, her email box was flooded with inquiries for her award winning muffin recipe.
What is question?
"Farewell to the mountains high cover’d with snow; Farewell to the straths and green valleys below; Farewell to the forests and wild-hanging woods; Farewell to the torrents and loud-pouring floods."
What is imagery?
As the teacher brought the class back from the washroom, he noticed that Alvin and Elijah were nowhere to be seen. He asked the class, "Has anyone seen Alvin or Elijah?" Most of the students confirmed that they had not seen them, except for Rodney, who remained silent while tapping his foot on the floor anxiously. The teacher noticed this. "Rodney, do you happen to know where your best buddies Alvin and Elijah went?" Rodney looked away and said, "Nah, I haven't seen them." The teacher notified the office of the missing students. An announcement was made over the PA system and a few minutes later, Alvin and Elijah returned to class. Both of them were very sweaty and Elijah was carrying a basketball. "Sorry we took so long. We had to use the bathroom," said Elijah. "Yeah," chimed in Alvin, "it took longer than we thought." Why was Rodney acting so strangely?
What is he knew Alvin and Elijah were really still outside playing basketball?
The English were not the first Europeans to land their ships on American soil. The Vikings had discovered North America in the 11th century. Columbus landed in the Bahamas in 1492 for Spain, and the French began expeditions to the New World in 1524. But the first English presence in North America is important because the thirteen English colonies that would later be established eventually became the country now known as the United States of America. Who are the four European groups discussed in this passage?
What are the Vikings, the Spanish/Columbus, the French, and the English?
Pointing out the differences and similarities is called...
Comparing and Contrasting