What is the best kind of breakfast to eat in the winter?
Frosted Flakes
Sally was given three snow balls, she threw away 2 how many snowballs does sally have left?
Sally has one snowball
One syllable nickname for a sibling.
What is bro?
He was made of snow, but the children know how he came to life that day.
What is "Frosty the Snowman"?
What is snow?
frozen water
Where do snowmen love to dance?
At a snowball
The total number of snowballs thrown if John's team throws 32 snowballs and Jeff's team throws 45 snowballs.
What is 77 snowballs?
One syllable word. Goes in your hair.
O'er the fields we go laughing all the way.
What is "Jingle Bells"?
If you leave your house today what should you wear?
hat, mittens, coat, snowpants, etc. answers vary
Where do snowmen put their money?
The total pieces of candy used if Jessica starts with 7 pieces of candy and ends up with 3 pieces of candy after making her gingerbread house.
What is 4
The opposite of high
The fire is slowly dying, and my dear we're still goodbye-ing.
What is "Let it Snow"?
What is cancelled to make it a snow day?
What kind of ball doesn't bounce
The number of cookies needed for a party where 48 people will be present if each person should get 1 cookie.
What is 48?
You have 10 total on your feet
Sleigh bells ring, are you listening? In the lane, snow is glistening.
What is "Winter Wonderland"?
Should you slam your breaks while driving in the snow
What did the teacher say when she saw the snowman cheating on a test?
The total number of minutes spent shoveling snow if Barry shoveled for 1 hours and Mrs. Davis shoveled for 1 hour.
What is 120 minutes?
How do you get bubbles to work
Where the tree tops glisten and children listen to hear sleigh bells in the snow.
What is "White Christmas"?
What is a word for frozen rain