This STI is a parasite that causes extreme itching, especially at night
what is Pubic Lice
This can help prevent the transmission of an STI
What is condom/barrier method
This STI can be treated with a special shampoo
What is pubic lice
This is the best way and only 100% way to protect yourself from getting an STI or pregnancy
What is abstinence
<12 yo and > 55 yo increases risk for this
What is Ovarian Cancer
3 Common abnormal findings for Clients who are immediate post TURP
2. Bladder spasms related to surgical procedure ( use B&O suppositories to relieve spasms)
3. Pain due to irritation from surgery ( medicate as needed per pain report from patient
This STI has 3 stages if left untreated, A symptom of the 1st stage is a chancre
What is Syphilis
This can be transmitted through contact with an active sore
What is Herpes
Treatment for Bacterial STI's
What is Antibiotics
This type of prevention measure does not protect against STIs but prevents pregnancy
What are birth control pills/hormonal method
Education Responses from the nurse to a client who has reported radiation burns post mastectomy.
What is use non medicated, non perfumed cream such as aloe vera or Aquaphor, leave open to air, use no heat or dressings, avoid sunlight, avoid chlorine, use non irritating moisturizing lotion that does not contain metal, alcohol, perfume, or additives as ordered by the HCP
Assess for bladder distention, use bladder scanner, anticipate reinserting the Urinary catheter after notifying the HCP
What is the correct procedures if a client has urinary retention after having the urinary catheter removed post surgical procedures.
This will avoid post renal kidney injury and infection
This is an STI that destroys the immune system which reduces the body's ability to fight disease and infection
What is HIV
These parasitic STIs can be transmitted with non-sexual activities like holding hands or touching infested towels.
What is Scabies and Public Lice
Once diagnosed with this TYPE of STI, all sexual partners must be treated, or else you can wind up giving and receiving the infection all over again
What is Bacterial STI
Beginning a new intimate relationship, what is something you should do to prevent the spread of STIs
What is an STI test
-Avoid procedures such as venipuncture, blood pressure or IV sites
- exercises as directed by physician
-elevate affected arm
-compression dressing as needed for edema
What are nursing considerations for clients post mastectomy?
What drug class are you scanning for that would be contraindicated if a Client with Erectile Dysfunction provides his med list to you along with a new script for Sildenafil
What are nitrate medications?
These two classes of vasodialating medications may cause severe hypotension
Some strains of this STI are direct causes of cervical cancer
What is HPV
This viral STI can be transmitted by sharing needles, sexual activity, or tattoos and attacks the liver cause yellowing of the skin & eyes.
What is Hepatitis B
This STI is the most commonly reported and treated STI in the United States.
What is Chlamydia
What prevention method protects against both STIs and Pregnancy?
What is the barrier Method (Condom), or What is abstinence
What is Lymphedema, muscle atrophy, and contractures?
Alpha-adrenergic blockers, such as tamsulosin and doxazosin has this effect
What is work to relax the smooth muscle of the prostate gland, reducing urinary obstruction and improving urine flow?
This STI is the most common sexually transmitted viral infection in the U.S.
What is HPV (Genital Warts)
If a mother passes this STI to the baby, it often has severe mental and physical problems or blindness/deafness.
What is syphilis
The main goal of treating this viral STI is Antiretroviral medication, which protects the immune system from further damage and delays the progression of the disease.
What is HIV
The number of months that a person should you get an STI test if sexually active with multiple or anonymous partners
What are 3-6 month intervals
Name of the drain a post mastectomy client may have for a week or two until drainage subsides to avoid post operative hematomas
What is Jackson Pratt Drain?
Cholinergics like this one are a urinary tract stimulant medication used post operatively on nonobstructive urinary retention to improve tone and mobility of the bladder.
( PS...Untreated BPH would be a contraindication because it is an obstructive retention issue)
What is bethanechol ( Urocholine)
This STI may cause small, cauliflower-like warts throughout the body once affected by this virus
What is HPV
The symptoms of this STI include an itchy, sore, or painful rash or blisters that recur in small clusters in different areas of the body
What is Herpes
The main symptom of this STI in females is often a thin, creamy greenish-white odorous vaginal discharge
What is Trichomoniasis (or “trich”)
If a female does not treat an STI she can develop this disease which can cause infertility or ectopic pregnancy
What is Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
a common complication post-op mastectomy due to lymph node obstruction
What is lymphedema?
Alcohol, caffeine and citrus
What are three foods to avoid bladder irritation?