Name a state that gets more snow than Washington state
Examples: Minnesota, North Dakota, Michigan, etc.
Who was Barack Obama's Vice President?
Joe Biden
How to use a multiplication table to solve a division problem
Other animal species Pax has encountered in the book
Examples: coyotes, vultures, rats, mice, humans
Name for any type of stories that are made up/not real
Name something that is poured on roads to make them safer to drive on when it snows
Salt, sand
Name any of the Presidents on Mount Rushmore
George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt
Division is the opposite of this
Reason why areas are being evacuated
Name any way you can research a topic you are writing about
It must be lower than this temperature for snow to stick and not melt
32 F, 0 C
Who was the Democratic Presidential candidate in 2016?
Hillary Clinton
The left over part of a division problem - for example the 1 left over when dividing 21 by 4
Name three things Vola made out of wood
Examples: a wooden leg for herself, crutches, puppets/marionettes, baseball bat
Name at least one writing project we have had this year
Examples: original Cinderella Story, Personal Narrative, History Report, Choice Reading Project
Name of design made in snow by lying down and waving arms and legs
Snow angel
Who becomes President if the President resigns or dies in office?
Vice President Kamala Harris
The name for the "traditional method" of solving multiple digit division problems, like this
Long division
Name anything Vola packed for Peter to eat
Examples: Ham sandwich, peanut butter sandwich
Name an example of non-fiction writing
Examples: biography, textbook, dictionary, encyclopedia, cookbook, music book
Name for slippery ice we cannot see
Black ice
How many Presidents has the US had?
45 or 46*
* This depends on whether Grover Cleveland is counted as one or two Presidents
In addition, the answer to a problem is called the sum. In subtraction, the answer is called the difference. In multiplication, it is called the product. In division, the answer is called this.
His mother
The name for a biography that is written by the person themselves