If you really want a certain book, you can run to get it before someone else does? (Y/N)
If you rip a page in a book, should you tell a teacher right away. (Y/N)
Is it okay to use a level 4 voice in the library if you find a really good book you want to show your friends? (Y/N)
Using your manners (please and thank you) is a way to show respect to the Librarians? (Y/N)
What are of the library is off limits to students to help keep them safe?
Behind the Librarian's desk
If someone leaves a book behind, what can you do?
Kindly remind them to pick it up or take it to them
What voice level should you be using in the library?
Usually a level 0 or sometimes a level 1
What does it look like to be respectful in line waiting to check out your book?
Waiting patiently, no cutting
What should your body look like when you're in line waiting to check out a new book?
Hands and feet to yourself, respect personal space
What should you do with books when you're done with them?
Put them back where they came from or put them on the grey cart if you aren't sure where they go
How can you help keep the library clean and picked up?
Use a book marker, push in your chairs, pick up after yourself
How can you show respect for the learning of others?
Don't interrupt groups or students working in the library, use the appropriate voice level and focus on your own work