What are the six rules in Mr. Mendenhall's classroom?
1. Do Now
2. Be Kind and Respectful
3. Listen and Raise Your Hand
4. Follow Directions
5. Be Responsible
6. Stay Seated
What is the appropriate volume level in the hallway?
How many hall passes do you get each quarter?
What do you do with hoodies and jackets that are not in uniform?
Give them to your homeroom teacher first thing in the morning
When are you allowed on the Chromebook?
Only when Mr. Mendenhall tells you to get on.
When is it ok to get out of your seat?
Only when given permission or dismissed!
Before leaving the bathroom, you should always do this to make sure the space is clean for others.
Wash your hands
What sort of hoodies and jackets are in uniform?
Plain red, white, blue, and black.
The one assigned to you! ONLY! (numbers have changed)
What are the 3 expectations for entering the classroom?
1. Sit in your ASSIGNED seat
2. Begin working on the Do Now
3. Voice Level 1
What happens if you run out of hall passes?
You don't get to leave the room for any reason. No exceptions.
How should you let Mr. Mendenhall know you need to use the bathroom?
Raise your hand and ask or show two fingers.
What sort of shoes are allowed?
Plain red, white, blue, and black.
What are some examples of inappropriate Chromebook use?
Graffiti, inappropriate websites, not staying on task, throwing, closing, or dropping chromebooks, etc.
When is food allowed in the classroom?
When is it ok to open the door or leave the room?
Only when you have a hall pass or have been dismissed
What should you ALWAYS do before leaving the room on your way to the bathroom?
Sign out on the hall pass tracker
What are the uniform expectations for Monday Meeting?
No hoodies or sweaters and shirts tucked in.
When class is over, where do the Chromebooks go in Mr. Mendenhall's room?
Stacked neatly at the front of the room.
Where do you go when you are dismissed from Mr. Mendenhall's classroom?
You line up quietly at level 0 outside of your next class!
What happens if you are out of bathroom passes and have an emergency?
A principal will have to escort you to and from the bathroom.
When can you wear clothes other than the uniform?
Scholar dollar jean day or other school dress down days.
Where in Google Classroom can you find the assignment we are working on?
Under the "Classwork" tab. Look for the assignment title that is on the board. For example: CW1, Q1, or A1.