The Group most directly affected by language policy in their day to day life
Linguistic communities/ Native Speakers etc etc
The Institution that can provide support or advice but has no competence on RML policy
What is the European commission/ EU/ DG -YEAC?
Global climate shift that is forcing RML communities to leae their heartlands
What is climate change?
An example of a Minority Language
Any Minority Language
Educational intitutions taught in an RML
What are immersion schools?
Institutions that set rules and inplement laws (RML Specifically)
What are National Governments ?
What is the European charter for regional and minority langauge?
The short term rental agency causing a reducation in avalibility of housing stock in rural & RML communities
What is Air BnB?
The definition of RML
What is a regional or minority language?
Examples of Media in RMLs
What are:
1. radio stations?
2. TV Stations
3. Newspapers?
The International Organisation that has set legal agreements for Languages and linguistic presevation?
1) The UN
2) The Council of Europe
The UN decleration that ensures that everyone is “entit led to all the rights and freedoms enshrined in it , regardless of their language”
What is the UN declration of Human rights?
When you dont have ____, generally Young people dont know how to speak RMLs
Quality RML education
Languages that are widely spoken across the world, sometimes in the place of local langauges
What are lingua Francas?
Assembalies that decide and advocate for RML communities, that are made up of RML community members and speakers. E.g. the Sami
What are devolved/local parliaments
Organisations that advocate for RML advancement and legal rights. E.G. the Sami Council and Conradh Na Gaeilge
What are grassroot organisations/ NGOs?
Examples of EU Projects that raise awarness of RMLs and their usage
What is:
1. Wikiwomen
2. European day of languages
3. Language meets sport
4. The European Schools education platform
etc etc
Phenonmenon describing educated and skilled young people leaving their areas for work/education
What is Brain drain?
The term used (in the TO) to describe groups of people who use (or traditionally used) a certain language
What is a linguistic community?
Examples of Policies under the Irish language acts
What are positive employment policies?, What is public services being mandates to be offered in Irish?
Department of the European Commission that deals with RMLs
What is the Directorate General for education, youth, sport and culture?
The European research project studying RMLs and their use across Europe
What is Mercator
RMLs are ____, when a state doesnt recognise them, and doesnt provide services in the RML
Not official langauges
Best Fun Fact about RMLs (All Groups Partcipate)
My Vibe
What is the act that made english and welsh equal in a business context in Wales?
What is the Welsh Language act (of 1993)